First off--Welcome to the Forum and Congrats on your PC's

You know, I can't remember where we put our garbage can when we had a 2551 (or the 2350 for that matter). That's what happens when you age!!!I believe that it was a freestanding one like Ron's. We now have a 2910 and our garbage can is beside the door. We take the trash out at least once a day so nothing sits and smells.
I guess something is wrong with us 'cause we are heading to Arizona from Florida at the end of July--by way of Colrado Springs, Mesa Verde Nat'l Park, Arches NP, Canyonlands NP, Moab,Grand Canyon NP and arriving in Phoenix on Sept. 2. I am not looking forward to the heat but we are looking forward to visiting the daughter and grandson. Then down to Tucson, Karcher Caverns and home to Florida. Should be an interesting trip. Never been West in the PC.