We are currently staying in Interlocken State Park through Monday to cover us through the Independance Day celebration in Traverse City. With a good location, an electric site and a dump station near by for $21 per night (no reservations was risky), we are very happy. Enjoying $15/9 $20/18 holes of golf near by. We are thinking of heading to Sleeping Bear Dunes NP tomorrow.
Right now at 10:00pm here, we are at the McDonalds with WiFi, enjoying a cup of coffee and icecream, at Rt 31 near the Menards, 5 miles east of Interlocken. My wife and I each have our own laptops here.......I think we have an adiction.
It's not the kind of vacation we typically do, but are enjoying the slower pace of it all. It was really nice to travel a couple hundred miles to the first destination, rather than our typical 1200+.
We are also enjoying the coastals of the eastern side of Lake Michigan. Given we tow our Jeep, the PC stays in the camp ground, so scenic PC pictures are nil so far.
Eventually we get to the UP area of Michigan, before turning around and head back home the same route to pick up things missed if time permits.