What caused my troubles is making the mistake of NOT draining the carb prior to that first winter in October 2021. This is my first generator issue, learning all I can from you great people.
Here is a brief description of what I tried so far.
After conventional SeaFoam spraying techiques yielded no improvement....
With air filter still removed.
I opened the carb bowl drain and drained all gasoline.
I grabbed an appropriate sized rubber boot
(I HAVE AN ASSSORTMENT THAT RESEMBLES THESE), that fit snugly over that drain, but one with extra length to hang below the metal. I then pierced a hole with a pick in the side of the extra area and inserted my SeaFoam tube. I then filled up the carb bowl until Feafoam was overflowing out the intake where the air filter is mounted.
I waited 15 minutes, then ran the engine. No improvement.
I repeated the process, this time waiting overnight. Some improvement, but not enough.
I repeated the process again, waiting overnight a second time. I will find out today if attempt #2 makes a difference.
Doing some searching on the internet, I found
THIS SEAFOAM VIDEO. If my effort thus far proves to be a bust, I will try this SeaFoam recommended process. If that does not work, I will start to take the carb apart per everyone's input here. I want to give all "less evasive" options a try before tampering with the carb itself.
Stabil? Like you jimmer, I wonder.
Guys, if all my less evasive attempts are ineffective, I will be reading through your suggestions very carefully. I really appreciate all your input.