Since we had to cancel the Spearfish reunion due, to respiratory issues, the wife decided we'd take a trip to a bit of South Dakota in June. Only plan to go as far as Palisades State Park just above Sioux Falls and then return home. The only required stops, from St. Louis, MO, are 1.) Elks lodge in Blue Springs, MO (KC) and 2.) then Minowi Tavern, Minowi NE (google it). Plan to take a week each to and from. Looking mainly for COE, State & Municipal parks. Private parks if we must. Live by the rule of 2. Drive no more the 200 mile at a time, drive 2 days then stop after the third for 2 days, and arrive by 2 o'clock each day, cause that's cocktail time.
We generally like to make the trip a circular one. Like going though, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa then Missouri. Or something of the such. Never retracing the route. Open for things to see & stay, history, scenery, nature most anything except cities. Not big on boondocking.