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Broken Fridge Access Panel Retainer

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Ron Dittmer

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  • Ron and Irene
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    • My 2007 2350 Phoenix Cruiser
  • OwnPC: Yes
  • NewUsed: New
  • PurchDate: June 2007
  • Model: 2350 Ford
  • ModelYear: 2007
  • Slide: No
  • IntColor: Cherry Green&Gray
  • ExtColor: Full Body Gray
  • Location: N/E Illinois
Broken Fridge Access Panel Retainer
« on: October 07, 2021, 09:37:59 am »
Cleaning up our 14 year old PC after our recent 4 week trip, I thought I would remove the outside fridge and furnace panels to inspect and clean.  I have not had either one off since 2007.  I was happy to see that everything inside looked good with minimal debris and grime, the result of indoor storage.

Anyway, while removing the fridge panel, either I broke one retainer, or it broke on it's own sometime over the years.

Shopping around for replacements, I learned there are two different choices.  There is a thick wall and a thin wall version.  Our 2007 PC takes the thick wall version.  I bought two packages of 2 from etrailer for $26.23 including taxes and shipping.

I found them cheapest at etrailer but maybe they are sold cheaper elsewhere.  I replaced only the broken one and reused the inner piece because it is painted silver from the full body paint job.  I have 3 spares now.

I would hate to loose that panel, especially because of the full body paint job.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2021, 09:50:39 am by Ron Dittmer »
Ron (& Irene) Dittmer