While there tried to equalize the black & gray tanks using the instructions posted. The morning of day three water was backing up in the shower (after 6 showers). The black tank showed 2 lights & of course the gray was full. I was able to transfer, guessing, about a gallon of water....
Hi Chuck,
I wonder if something is not working properly or a foreign object is in your waste system.
At home with empty tanks, try this.
- Close both tank valves.
- Fill your gray tank with fresh warm water until the shower pan backs up.
- Keep your black tank empty.
- Check the tank sensor readout.
- Blend the tanks.
- Check your sensor readout again.
How much gray water got into the black tank under this ideal condition?
Before draining your experiment on your driveway,
- Add a quart of bleach into your large black tank and a pint into your small gray tank.
- Fill both tanks to near over-flowing with warm water.
- Open/close, open/close, and then open your waste tank valves and leave them open.
- Run the macerator a little to get the bleach solution into the slinky and cap it off.
- Let everything soak for 2 hours in the bleach solution to neutralize residual waste that you will discharge on your driveway.
After the 2 hour soak, do the following to discharge anything that might be the cause for poor tank blending.
- Close the black tank valve.
- Open the 3" gravity drain and let the wild rush out from the gray tank.
- Repeat with the black tank.
- Check for anything unusual that was discharged on your driveway. Maybe you will dislodge a tank plug or other production debris.
After everything is drained, repeat with fresh warm water (no bleach), flush out the macerator and let soak for an hour. Then repeat the same draining process. You want to remove any bleach residue because it will otherwise cause harm. The wild rush draining process done twice might also remove anything getting in the way of proper tank blending.
I do what I just described annually at the end of every RV season with no ill effect after 15 years. We cannot tolerate sewer gas from our PC at home when all closed up tight for the winter because it is parked under our bedroom.