Here’s the ordering info for the Magnafold shower door replacement panels for the 2350.
The door takes 3 each p/n SP9W , specified cut to 62” length. Cost was $63. Ships rolled up in a small box. The panels have proprietary T-shaped flanges on the sides for locking in to the aluminum frames, so it’s not possible to use an alternative material.
Mine have been replaced 3x. This time they lasted only 6 years before cracking at the top again. I suspect it’s due to heat or UV light from the skylight. My 2350 is stored outside in a cool coastal climate with the shower door always closed and bathroom door cracked open.
Removing and rebuilding the Magnafold accordion door is a bit of a pita, but R&R’ing Bob’s old door would be easy since it’s already apart. Shower Solution’s website has a instructional video showing how to release the rollers.