I appreciate your opinions and observations Ron D. and you bring up some very viable points. There is a lot going on in the RV industry for sure with the biggest change being consolidation of the industry....who would have guessed that Fleetwood and Monaco would be second tier players in only a few years? Who would have ever predicted that Forest River and Thor would be the largest players? There is a very significant focus on new, more efficient RV's with Hymer now in the US I am sure you will see much more European flavor playing into the design. Transit, Promaster and of course Sprinter are all attempting to fill the vacuum by supplying viable chassis' that should make for some unique engineering and design by offering multiple sleeping berths etc like one sees all over Europe. There is no doubt Kermit should be paying attention to the change in trends. But, what these smaller chassis do not offer is CGVW and I just do not see the US market giving up on their toys such as 4 wheelers, boats, cars, etc, the majority of RV's in this country (IMO) are used as "toy haulers". Young people that PC and the rest of the industry need to attract are not necessarily looking to boondock or go to national parks they want their electronics, they want to be able to live in comfort with large refrigerators, king size beds, counter space, none of which you will get on a Ford Transit chassis. The E-series is 30 plus years old and has really run its course, Ford recognizes that fact with a planned 2020 discontinuation of the model. The E-series has a small cab, is noisy, lacks safety features that we should all expect these days, does not offer any of the technology that young people want in a vehicle, and it really lacks GVW. Load up a 2910T with dual pain windows, jacks, etc and see what the weight tips the scales at? (very close to 14,500 I am sure). PC and Kermit have carved out a nice niche in the market I would agree 100% but one has to wonder what the future holds....I wonder what the average age of PC owners really is? I would have to bet that it is not young......I just think the F-series offers a lot in the way of torque, ride, bigger cab, the demand for the new Super Duty Ford's have blown away all expectations, you know Ford will do everything possible to keep the model well ahead of the competition when it comes to safety and technology. I just think that PC needs to expand its model offerings on both ends of the spectrum to stay viable in the market. Obviously, a lot of market research has to be done to see what the demand really is for and expanded model line up and I am sure Kermit is doing just that? At the end of the day is comes down to working capital and how much does Kermit really want to invest? I am sure engineering a new coach is a huge investment....I am going on way to long but I have a bias in that I want a nice 34' new coach on and F series chassis with a king bed, super slide, with the typical PC formatted body, and guess what I am not young!. Come on Kermit build me one please?