We have a Custom 2910. Twin beds in the rear with a nightstand between the beds. This nightstand has the Corian top that matches
the Corian in the galley. We use the bottom to store our shoes and the top shelf for misc. stuff. We have storage all around the top of the bedroom area and a shirt closet on each side . The only negative is that we don't have a full wardrobe as we had in the 2551. I really miss that.
The way to close off the shower/bathroom is to open the bathroom door all the way.
We only have one slide that has the sofa, stove and microwave in it.
The blackwater tank is 23 gal. and the gray 35 gal.
We also had a cabinet built for behind the driver's seat. It is similar to the cabinet in the 3100 behind the passenger seat.
Really, the only negative is that wardrobe. Other than that, we find the rig, as we have it, suits our needs for 4 months on the road in the summer.