I see the factory did the 3 drawer galley that I originated here:
http://forum.phoenixusarv.com/index.php/topic,1751.0.htmlI wonder if you are pioneering it for them because I will tell you right now that their method for holding your drawers shut will NOT, and I mean ABSOLUTELTY NOT keep the drawers closed. When conditions are right, they will pop open and smash through the built-in drawer glide stops and end up on the floor. I tried a number of experiments from those roller closures you mentioned, to a very strong 5 double magnet per drawer method. Nothing short of a true latch will keep the drawers closed when conditions are worst. I thought I had it licked with 5 double magnets per drawer, until we were well into our trip in Glacier NP, taking a jolting hair-pin turn to the right. The extreme jolt and centrifugal force opened the drawers fast as bullets and they all ended up on the floor. The first time it happened, only the top drawer opened and held. The second time in another location, all 3 drawers ended up on the floor with the drawer glides broken. We finished the trip with dinette cushions wedged in place to prevent it again. What a big pain. Fortunately we were doing that only the last week of our 4 week trip.
I advise you do this, a very cheap and simple non-intrusive insurance policy.
Buy child safety latches for those three drawers, the kind that allow you to open the drawer a couple inches for you to push the latch aside to open the drawer to it's fullest. Even if you don't install them, have them in a tool box in the rig so you could install them during a trip. Hopefully when it happens the first time (and it will happen) your built-in glide stops won't break on you, avoiding ball bearings all over the floor.
Maybe our problem was putting to much heavy stuff as seen in that post of mine, but that was our goal to begin with, placing all kitchen things in the kitchen.
I see in your picture, the factory was able to place that heater vent inside the kick board below the bottom drawer. That is great. Hopefully they will apply that to all galley cabinets in the future.