I would just go to Discount,, couple of guys already have no problem,,, of course they do not do alignments, lots of arguments on tire rotations,, read the post's.... I was a big believer in tire rotation,, but after reading so much on them, I now go with no rotation.. but again each to his own,,, it seems evident from the discussions, that depending on the size of your unit,,, longer more modifications to the frames, shorter less or none, stabilizing systems mounted?? and so forth, etc have a huge impact on alignment and so forth,,
Bob.... once you do some more on those valve extensions,, post in a separate topic,, this is sort of interesting,, I just have not seen that problem mentioned that much including leaks ( a little bit),,,, maybe go ahead and post now and see if we get some discussion going,,, have not had any problems with mind and just wondering if the expense is worth it...