Hi all! This is Holly, the new President of the " Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club"
We are a separate entity/organization from Phoenix USA, who builds the Phoenix Cruisers and who owns this forum (though they pretty much leave it to all PC owners so we can communicate with each other). They also gave us this spot on the forum and we lost track of it for a bit but we are back. JTRAX has volunteered to be our ambassador on the forum and he will continue to work to get answers to anyone interested in the club.
The club is made up of owners of PCs, past owners of PCs, and owners of other small motor homes. We have a reunion every year that feels like a family reunion where you greet old friends and make new ones.
This post is all about the owners club. We are in the process of setting up and/or updating our online presence. We have a new webpage that can be found at
http://phoenixcruisertravelclub.org - there is some basic information there and an application form if you'd like to join the club. There is also a password protected members area. Our new webmaster just took over and new features are under construction so please bear with us while we grow the site.
I don't speak FaceBook but I know one of our super volunteer members set up a closed group years ago and it has been getting a lot of activity. We are working on getting info out for this group also. I know several forum users have access and hope they'll put instructions here on the club area of the forum.
John and I love the club and all the friends we've made at the reunions. We hope that one day soon you'll be one of them.