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Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.

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Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« on: October 29, 2011, 11:09:29 pm »

Ron Dittmer suggested I post here, I hope this is ok.  I saw the 'for sale' forum but thought this forum might be better since that one would attract mostly potential buyers.

I'm interested in buying a late model 2350 with a dinette.  I haven't made up my mind about which chassis, a lot depends on the price difference.  I saw that PC charges $12k additional for the Sprinter chassis.  The Sprinter is nice, but we can't justify paying that much more for it.

I'd like to get the Macerator (sp?) pump.  When did PC start offering it?  Was it 2006?

In any case, Ron said that someone here on the PC forum was considering trading in a 2350 with a dinette.  If you aren't already locked into a deal and you're open to selling to an individual, let me know.


« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 01:32:59 am by sajohnson »
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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 07:53:33 am »
I am trading in a 2010 PC 2350 in the very near future. My PC has the sofa/air bed not the dinnette. Ron sent me a private message that I responed to. As I told him, I am locked into this deal as it is a very good deal. 2o2

I wish you luck in finding a PC you like.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 08:02:18 am by TomHanlon »



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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 03:38:36 am »
I am trading in a 2010 PC 2350 in the very near future. My PC has the sofa/air bed not the dinnette. Ron sent me a private message that I responed to. As I told him, I am locked into this deal as it is a very good deal. 2o2

I wish you luck in finding a PC you like.

Thanks Tom!

I've been looking but it seems that the 2350 w/dinette is hard to find.  I've found several 2350s for sale, but they all have the couch.

BTW, is there much of a difference between the sofa bed and the dinette bed in size and/or comfort?
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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2011, 07:30:15 am »
Over the years Phoenix has change the sofa/bed. Several years ago they used a jack knife sofa, then they went to the Air bed/sofa in 2010 and for 2012 they have a electric memory foam sofa. I have not tried to sleep on the new sofa yet. Each changes seems to have been for the better but none are as good as a real mattress. The air bed was pretty bad until we change the mattress to a better Areo bed mattress.

The dinette in the slide out is just too small for anyone except a small child. In the non-slide model the dinette is larger but still pretty small. The mattress part is the cushions that form the seats and the back. Ron has the non-slide dinette and seems to like it. I bet he will jump in here soon.

I used to sell RVs for about four years after I retired and before the market died. I never found a sofa that I felt was that comfortable and the dinettes where a PITA, IMO.



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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2011, 11:22:57 am »
We had a 2008 2350 on a Ford 350 chassis with a slide and sofa and loved it.  The Ford chassis has 1,470 pounds more of  cargo capability and 5,250 more pounds of towing capability.  Also, my understanding is the maintenance on the Sprinter chassis is higher especially the oil and filter changes.  This is something you might want to confirm.

One of the modifications we made to our 2350 was replace the barrel chair with additional storage cabinets (See attached picture).  Another thing we did was add a portable storage  box behind the driver's.

The sofa offered comfortable  seating  and adequate sleeping  comfort.  To improve the sleep comfort we used a  memory foam pad from target.  I personally find the dinette seat backs to be too straight and become uncomfortable after awhile.  Also, depending on the model year there were different sofas.  The sofa we had was the electric sofa that was in three sections when you opened it up.  The new models have a memory foam lounger that look very nice but I do not know how comfortable a bed would be.  You need to try the different configurations.  Try before you buy.

A new PC may not be as expensive as you might think.  A call to Phoenix may get you a new PC with all the options you want, never hurts to ask.  They are a great company to work with.

If you have an questions let me know.


Barry and Sue 
Current   2012 2551 w/Slide
Previous 2008 2350 w/Slide



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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2011, 04:31:19 pm »
Over the years Phoenix has change the sofa/bed. Several years ago they used a jack knife sofa, then they went to the Air bed/sofa in 2010 and for 2012 they have a electric memory foam sofa. I have not tried to sleep on the new sofa yet. Each changes seems to have been for the better but none are as good as a real mattress. The air bed was pretty bad until we change the mattress to a better Areo bed mattress.

The dinette in the slide out is just too small for anyone except a small child. In the non-slide model the dinette is larger but still pretty small. The mattress part is the cushions that form the seats and the back. Ron has the non-slide dinette and seems to like it. I bet he will jump in here soon.

I used to sell RVs for about four years after I retired and before the market died. I never found a sofa that I felt was that comfortable and the dinettes where a PITA, IMO.

Thanks Tom!

Is there someplace I can find all of the floor plans and specs for the 2350?  I've checked the Phoenix website but could only find info on current models.  There seem to be relatively few RV mfrs that make brochures for previous model years available, I wonder why that is?

In any case, having all of the floor plans and dimensions together in one place would make things a lot easier.  For example, your comments about the dinette beds have got me wondering about the difference in size between the slide & fixed dinette beds.

Also, why do you say the dinettes were a PITA?  Are you referring to setting up & tearing down the bed?
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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2011, 04:55:05 pm »
We had a 2008 2350 on a Ford 350 chassis with a slide and sofa and loved it.  The Ford chassis has 1,470 pounds more of  cargo capability and 5,250 more pounds of towing capability.  Also, my understanding is the maintenance on the Sprinter chassis is higher especially the oil and filter changes.  This is something you might want to confirm.

One of the modifications we made to our 2350 was replace the barrel chair with additional storage cabinets (See attached picture).  Another thing we did was add a portable storage  box behind the driver's.

The sofa offered comfortable  seating  and adequate sleeping  comfort.  To improve the sleep comfort we used a  memory foam pad from target.  I personally find the dinette seat backs to be too straight and become uncomfortable after awhile.  Also, depending on the model year there were different sofas.  The sofa we had was the electric sofa that was in three sections when you opened it up.  The new models have a memory foam lounger that look very nice but I do not know how comfortable a bed would be.  You need to try the different configurations.  Try before you buy.

A new PC may not be as expensive as you might think.  A call to Phoenix may get you a new PC with all the options you want, never hurts to ask.  They are a great company to work with.

If you have an questions let me know.


Hi Barry,

Those look like great mods to me!  I would likely do the same.

Your comments about the E350 vs the Sprinter are exactly right.  The E350 clearly has it's advantages, as does the Sprinter.  I know opinions about the two are all over the map.  A person focused primarily on fuel efficiency would likely go for the Sprinter.  Someone concerned with GVWR and/or towing would probably buy the Ford.  In my reading on the View/Navion group I've found that some people are very concerned with 'image' -- if they have a Freightliner or Dodge-badged Sprinter they will pay hundreds of dollars to get the Mercedes badging.  On and on...

My sense of things is that the Ford sways less but the Sprinter has a quieter, smoother ride.

Parts & labor are clearly more for the Sprinter, and it sounds like they may not be particularly 'do-it-yourself' maintenance friendly.  That said, they seem to be very reliable, so if they rarely break down the cost of repairs is less of an issue.

The Sprinter has enough OCCC for my wife and I, and from what I've read I can reduce the sway significantly with Bilstein shocks.  I like the idea of getting significantly better mileage, but to us, that and the other benefits of the Sprinter aren't worth the current $12,000 up charge (if we were to buy new).  I have to decide how much extra the Sprinter is worth to us (in case we are faced with that choice).

You mentioned that you used a memory foam pad.  We have a memory foam bed here at home that we like a lot.  We might replace the corner bed mattress with memory foam, and we considered using a memory foam topper for the dinette bed.  Question -- where did you store the foam pad when the dinette was set up?


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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2011, 05:28:04 pm »
We had the sofa in our 2008 2350 not a dinette and stored the memory foam in several places, behind the sofa, in the car trunk and in the outside storage bin.

For the last 4 or 5 years there has been little or no change in the inside size of the 2350.  In 2008 I think the outside storage area was increased and the slide started to include the frig in 2010.  Your best bet would be a call to the factory and see if they have and dimensional differences between the Sprinter chassis and the Ford chassis. 

I did forget to mention earlier that the track of the Sprinter is also small than the Ford.

Barry and Sue 
Current   2012 2551 w/Slide
Previous 2008 2350 w/Slide


Ron Dittmer

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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2011, 10:30:12 pm »
For the record, our dinette is NOT in a slide-out, making it much larger than otherwise.  I am 5'-11" tall and 180 pounds.  I have slept on the dinette 3 consecutive nights when I got sick on one trip  I find the dinette bed to be very comfortable and roomy for a single person of my size and weight.  Length, leg room, elbow room, all worked fine for me.  The 4 cushions make a comfortable mattress as well.

CLICK HERE to see many pictures of our model 2350 no-slide dinette.  I believe the configuration will be the same for model 2551.

Model 2552 has many more configurations available because of the extra linear wall space.  With NO slide-out, you can get an even bigger dinette or a pantry with a dinette like ours.  With a slide-out, you can have either a dinette or a couch-with-pantry.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 08:40:46 am by Ron Dittmer »
Ron (& Irene) Dittmer



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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2011, 10:48:10 pm »
For the record, our dinette is NOT in a slideout, making it much larger than otherwise.  I am 5'-11" tall and 180 pounds.  I have slept on the dinette 3 consecutive nights when I got sick on one trip  I find the dinette bed to be very comfortable and roomy for a single person of my size and weight.  Length, leg room, elbow room, all worked fine for me.  The 4 cushions make a comfortable matress as well.

Thanks Ron, that's good to know.  Ideally, the dinette bed would be big enough for me (6'2", 230 lbs), but unless I can get the floor plans and measurements I guess I'll just have to try and find one locally and check it out.

At least I know it's plenty big enough for DW, if we decide that climbing over each other in the corner bed isn't working.

I recall you saying that you and DW aren't crazy about the corner bed due to having to climb over each other.  Have you or DW considered sleeping in the dinette bed on a regular basis?

BTW, what type of mattress does Phoenix use for the corner bed -- inner spring or foam?  How would you rate its comfort?
I'm on an epic quest for a class B+/C RV that is as close to perfect as possible!



Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2011, 08:08:49 am »
Ideally, the dinette bed would be big enough for me (6'2", 230 lbs), but unless I can get the floor plans and measurements I guess I'll just have to try and find one locally and check it out.

At least I know it's plenty big enough for DW, if we decide that climbing over each other in the corner bed isn't working.

BTW, what type of mattress does Phoenix use for the corner bed -- inner spring or foam?  How would you rate its comfort?

SA, you have not filled out your profile yet so we don't know what is local for you. Therefore can not help you with that.

Phoenix uses an inner spring mattress on the beds. The new 2012 models have a form sofa/bed.

When I said that the dinettes were a pita, I was referring to having to sleep on cushion designed for sitting on and all the cracks between the cushions. If I had to sleep on a dinette I would have to get a form pad to lay over the cushions.


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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2011, 09:27:14 am »
Ideally, the dinette bed would be big enough for me (6'2", 230 lbs), but unless I can get the floor plans and measurements I guess I'll just have to try and find one locally and check it out.

I recall you saying that you and DW aren't crazy about the corner bed due to having to climb over each other.  Have you or DW considered sleeping in the dinette bed on a regular basis?

BTW, what type of mattress does Phoenix use for the corner bed -- inner spring or foam?  How would you rate its comfort?
Our dinette would not allow a 6'-2" fellow to stretch out.  Actually I would be concerned the general ceiling height of any PC would be of concern.  You will be hitting your head on the a/c and lights that hang from the ceiling.  PCs are all made with the same ceiling height, regardless of model and options.  You really need to walk through one before considering any such purchase.   Oh, at 6'-2" your feet will overhang the 2350 bed by a lot too.  I hate to say it, but I think any PC might need ruling out because of your height.  Maybe you will want to post a new question.  Any 6'-2" tall PC owners out there?

The specs of the 2350 is the same over the years from 2005 to today,  likely the same goes for any other model.  So you could read today's specs and know what a 2005 measures.

The matress in our 2007 2350, I swear is 100% foam.

No way would one of us sleep on the dinette on a regular basis.  We have too many cudling requirements.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 09:35:57 am by ron.dittmer »
Ron (& Irene) Dittmer


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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2011, 09:54:54 am »
My Pal is 6'4" and he had a 2552 custom built for him having an 80" bed on the Driver's side. The Passenger side has the standard 73" bed for his wife. He does have to be careful when walking because of the overhead but he's accustomed to it now and doesn't bump his head. PC is really, really good at accommodating a customer needing customization.

I, like Dittmer, don't think you're going to find an older PC that will be comfortable for you.
Carry on, regardless..................
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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 02:43:37 am »
Ideally, the dinette bed would be big enough for me (6'2", 230 lbs), but unless I can get the floor plans and measurements I guess I'll just have to try and find one locally and check it out.

At least I know it's plenty big enough for DW, if we decide that climbing over each other in the corner bed isn't working.

BTW, what type of mattress does Phoenix use for the corner bed -- inner spring or foam?  How would you rate its comfort?

SA, you have not filled out your profile yet so we don't know what is local for you. Therefore can not help you with that.

Phoenix uses an inner spring mattress on the beds. The new 2012 models have a form sofa/bed.

When I said that the dinettes were a pita, I was referring to having to sleep on cushion designed for sitting on and all the cracks between the cushions. If I had to sleep on a dinette I would have to get a form pad to lay over the cushions.

Thanks for the reminder about the profile Tom.  I went ahead and put some info in there.  We're in central MD, Frederick County.

Like so much else about RVs, it seems the comfort of the dinette bed is subjective.  It sounds like if DW and I can't deal with the climbing over involved with the corner bed, she would have to sleep in the dinette bed since I'm too tall.  We'll just have to check one out for ourselves to see if it's comfortable for her as-is, or if we need to add a memory foam pad.
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Re: Selling your 2350 with dinette? Want to buy used.
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2011, 02:51:56 am »
Ideally, the dinette bed would be big enough for me (6'2", 230 lbs), but unless I can get the floor plans and measurements I guess I'll just have to try and find one locally and check it out.

I recall you saying that you and DW aren't crazy about the corner bed due to having to climb over each other.  Have you or DW considered sleeping in the dinette bed on a regular basis?

BTW, what type of mattress does Phoenix use for the corner bed -- inner spring or foam?  How would you rate its comfort?
Our dinette would not allow a 6'-2" fellow to stretch out.  Actually I would be concerned the general ceiling height of any PC would be of concern.  You will be hitting your head on the a/c and lights that hang from the ceiling.  PCs are all made with the same ceiling height, regardless of model and options.  You really need to walk through one before considering any such purchase.   Oh, at 6'-2" your feet will overhang the 2350 bed by a lot too.  I hate to say it, but I think any PC might need ruling out because of your height.  Maybe you will want to post a new question.  Any 6'-2" tall PC owners out there?

The specs of the 2350 is the same over the years from 2005 to today,  likely the same goes for any other model.  So you could read today's specs and know what a 2005 measures.

The matress in our 2007 2350, I swear is 100% foam.

No way would one of us sleep on the dinette on a regular basis.  We have too many cudling requirements.

Hi Ron,

I didn't realize the ceiling height of the PC was so low.  That's too bad.  6'2" isn't exactly  freakishly tall.  We live in a 120 year old log cabin and I can't stand up on the second floor without hitting my head on the exposed floor joists, so I'm used to ducking but it would be nice to be able to stand up in whatever RV we purchase.  I could deal with avoiding a few obstacles I suppose.

The PC pamphlet that I picked up at the Hershey RV show indicates that the corner bed is 50"x76".  Is that true?  If so, that should be adequate room.

I'm not anxious for DW to sleep on the dinette bed, but I'd like to have a plan B if the corner bed doesn't work out. 
I'm on an epic quest for a class B+/C RV that is as close to perfect as possible!