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The Intervec-Phoenix Travel Club

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The Intervec-Phoenix Travel Club
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:29:59 pm »
Hey all of you Phoenix owners - Are you a member of our owner's club? If not and if you bought your Phoenix new, look in your Owner's Manual for a membership application. Phoenix USA will pay for introductory membership so what have you got to lose?

If you bought your Phoenix used, go to www.intervecphoenix.org to learn all about the club and to download the club history and an membership application. You won't regret it.

The club is a private club, not a factory club as is generally the case with other RV clubs. Our members primarily own Phoenix Cruisers but we have quite a few owners of Falcon and Horizon van campers (built by the former International vehicles Corp. (InterVec) and a smattering of other brands.

For details about our next rally or for more information, contact me at info@intervecphoenix.org.

Ken Humphreys
Intervec-Phoenix Travel Club