And, “Wow” to you DJ, as well as others!
Just so you know, I’m speaking as a life-long registered Republican, AND as a past business owner, AND as an inveterate family-owned business employee, such as with your own employees. As an employee, I have never chosen ANY other type of employer. With a family-owned business, you know who’s in charge of what, and decisions are made swiftly and accurately; and all credit due your efforts and success is swiftly appreciated and credited. You always know where you stand. Reality. There is no such nobility, nor such reality as a “small” business. These are the businesses that are the backbone of America, and those employers who provide the most jobs, the most OPPORTUNITY to us all.
I understand “profit” all too well. “Profit” is what creates “real” jobs – “real” wealth – “real”ity. I KNOW that. In my last job? While aware we “grossed” $40M, I was also aware that almost all of that was eaten up by maintenance, shipping, tooling, electricity, taxes of all kinds, insurance of all kinds, telephony, etc. And most of all, PAYROLL, blah, blah, blah. Had we no profit, we would have nothing. However, most saw the $40M figure, but could not understand what “NET” means. And that’s even BEFORE taxes! LOL! Many bridled against the owner’s apparent “wealth”, yet never realized that he was due that wealth for taking a personal financial risk, each and every day. And further, regardless of his personal “extravagances”, few, if any, would understand that in robbing the owner of any and all income, profits or benefits paid on his behalf – that this sum would only finance something on the order of a 20-cent raise for us all. AND would rob us all of the very motivation by which he might continue, and his own obvious talent in securing contracts. I get it.