I found a swivel for my PC driver's 6way power seat on ebay
https://www.ebay.com/itm/225032409727?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ELGSSWBJRoa&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=aU5lXZf0TLO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY and bought it. It was shipped FedEx ground and arrived in 3 days. It wasn't cheap, but it was the only one I could find that fit the base in overall dimensions and I didn't want to deal with alibaba and international customs fees. This driver's seat base is big and hard to fit and I eliminated a lot of swivel bases that did not fit. This swivel is heavy duty and heavy. No wobble. No wiggle. Very sturdy. It arrived with a loop handle instead of the red rod as shown in the ebay photos (see my pic). The seat base locks in the forward position with a loud solid click.
There are YouTube videos with detailed instructions on how to install the swivel mount. Basically I removed the 4 bolts where the power base unit joins the black base attached to the floor. This black base is angled, high at the front & low at the back.
The swivel is exactly the right width, but about 2 inches short from to back to match the holes in the black base . Maybe these bases change dimensions year to year? My PC is a 2010 on a 2008 chassis.
The swivel did match holes on the 6way power base perfectly. So I just needed to drill new holes in the black base. Of all the hole combinations I decided to mount the swivel in the back most holes and drill a new hole at the front on each side. Mounting at the back of the base gave me 3 advantages. (1) I have long legs and this added about an inch distance from the pedals. (2) the swivel was going to add about 1.5 in height, but the back most holes were lower, so the net difference only added an inch to the seat height. I'm 6ft2in and still plenty of head room. (3) when the seat is turned around it puts the seat more in the room, as well as higher, and a bit more distance from the steering wheel giving more recline depth. You can see how it aligns with the passenger seat when both are rotated.
I had to make the holes in the black base a bit larger because the 4 hex nuts and bolts that come with the swivel were 1/8 inch large diameter than the originals. Again, really heavy duty.
I put some plastic loom around the wires for the seat belt and seat power, and threaded that thru the hole in the center hole of the swivel. That should protect them from any rubbing.
Last step was to connect the seat to the swivel using the original bolts and nuts. No mods required for this. While I had the seat off and it was easy, I did put a small amount of oil on each of the pivot points and some white grease on the tracks and gears. I bought my PC 10yrs old and I think the prior owners moved the seat a lot. It needed lubrication.
All of this took about 90 minutes, including the 20 minutes I spent on the seat lubrication. It might have been faster if I had help lifting the seat. Sorry but I didn't take pics of the process because I didn't rememder to take my cell phone to the storage lot that day.
Now, to rotate the driver's seat I bring the back of the seat fully forward. Back up the seat about 90%, pull the release loop and rotate. Once it is facing the room I can move the seat forward and up, as well as recline about 50%. It feels like I completed the living by getting this to rotate.