Alan, I never drove to Alaska, but my brother & wife did 2 years ago and his advise is what I share. We did take a cruise from Vancouver to Whitier, followed by taking an Alaska Railroad trip to Denali NP, with a bus return trip to Anchorage where we got on a plane.
The road to Alaska is paved, but road heaves in the perafrost region is rough on vehicles.
Much of beautiful Alaska is in the southern fiord region where taking a ferry from one city to another will save 800-1200 miles of mundane driving. The ferry ride is very scenic with sights of snowcapped mountains and sea life including whales. The ferry ride has a bit of cruise ship passenger care with narration of what is seen off the boat and restaurants, etc. In the south is that famous Kodiak bear feading ground viewed from a high boardwalk.
Getting on and off the ferry invloves steep angles because of tide variation. If your PC has a little rear-end sag like ours, you might consider installing rear air bags and fill them up to max height just prior to a ferry trip. You can let out the air afterward to soften your ride. Just carry a tiny 12v air compressor for that purpose. Ferries charge by the inch. Cost is very steep, but still cheaper than driving. A tow vehicle could cost hundreds more.
Unless you have specific ideas, Alaska is generally a trip where you drive, sight see, and repeat that over and over. 10,000 miles of that. You sleep wherever you happen to be at that moment, then move on the next day. You will be dragging a tow vehicle for most of the trip but never unhook it. The few times you might want it, I would inquire about a rental. But given you own a 2400, it's small enough to get around in like a regular car.
About Denali NP, a tow vehicle won't help you there either because private vehicles are prohibited in the park. They have bus service for that which is quite nice. The driver is very good explaining things and stopping for wildlife and scenery. It is quite the experience.....speaking from 2008 personal experience on this one.
Well now that is not what I expected. Maybe the other half has the better idea here. I am all about the adventure and the journey. The destination is just the cherry on top!

I think we will leave Alaska to be done with a plane fare, rental car, ferry, rail service and on foot where needed. Thanks for the heads up.