I believe in preventive maintenance as well, rather then fixing after a leak is found and damage has occurred. If I was able to afford the FlexArmor Roof Coating, I probably would have done it, especially with a lifetime warranty. Unfortunately I had just spent $5,000.00 to have the front cap repainted and just started to notice some fibers showing on the roof. After doing some research I found the Dicor product for Fiberglass RV roofs and a place that could professionally put it on at a price I could afford. It looks good, but time will tell. It most likely is not as high quality as the Flexarmor Roof Coating, but so far has done the job. I have also upgraded to a covered storage unit at a greater expense, but well worth it. My Phoenix Cruiser is a 2009 and I have owned it since 2018. Not only have I had the roof re-coated, but I personally get on the roof and check seals often and add sealant as necessary. I am proud to be an owner of a Phoenix Cruiser and as my wife will agree, I probably spend too much time working on it to make improvements here and there, as I do believe in being proactive rather than reactive.