Way too much math for me:)
I grew up on a working farm handling all manner of ungainly equipment. When my dad taught me to drive (at age 11) he gave me one rule: "Always use all the room you have whether you think you need it or not". What he meant was if you need to make a sharp right hand turn with a combine and you are worried about hitting that fence post on the right forget about the fence post, just swing wide LEFT, and steer the FRONT end as close as you can to the fence post on the LEFT side of the gate. The one on the right will be just fine, or not, and if not well then the hole was too small anyway and now it's bigger:)
For what its worth I have a right hand turn into my drive from a rather narrow two lane country road. I swing into the opposing lane (to use all the room there is) and just turn into the drive, no problems. It does take a little practice to get the feel of where that rear wheel is going to turn but after a week's trip home I was not even thinking about it any more.