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Messages - biglegmax

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General Discussion / Getting your new coach home
« on: November 28, 2017, 08:51:10 pm »
We are considering NOT picking our new unit up at the factory. We are about 2100 miles away. Just wondering if any of you have had one delivered by drivers, or put on a transport? Any thoughts?

Sense we are going to be modifying our bed, we ordered our new 2350 without a mattress. I have sat on, but not slept on this system http://www.nickleatlantic.com/  Everyone I have talked to that own them love them. Thats the route we are going.

General Discussion / Re: 2017 2910T - Awning Problem/Question
« on: September 21, 2017, 07:19:01 pm »
Were you ever an awning salesman? If not, you missed your calling! You made me rethink a few things, and it might be a moot point anyway since we did not order an awning, and it might be too late. I can see a shorter box than planned,  make it a little wider, and change up the door/ shelf some. I have certainly never objected to motorized, I'm not particularly fond of how they look, but we have created an UGLY duck already. 

General Discussion / Re: 2017 2910T - Awning Problem/Question
« on: September 21, 2017, 10:39:34 am »
I wish I could send a picture. We are still a few months out on delivery of the 2350. I'm waiting until we can take actual measurements, and weights. I have not found any over the counter unit yet, so am planning on building something.
If you can use a little imagination, check out this product video,  https://www.wilcooffroad.com/shop/hitchgate-solo/ and replace the tire with a drop down door box from this company  https://www.aluminess.com/accessories/boxes/.
We will see how it goes.


General Discussion / Re: 2017 2910T - Awning Problem/Question
« on: September 19, 2017, 10:34:37 pm »
Ron D.,

Thanks for that information, I do appreciate it. The angle of the dangle will interfere with the door, I'm sure that is the limiting factor.


We have opted to do some custom after market adds to our 2350, one is an exterior outside cooking station / storage box that will swing from the rear of the motorhome around to the side to form a usable outside BBQ,storage/ cook area. I can't imagine any kind of an awning with support arms working very well. I don't know much about electric armless awnings, but imagine they are more fragile than the old school box style. If anyone has experience with tying off( to the ground, etc.) an armless unit with the wind sensor, I would like to hear your experience.

General Discussion / Re: 2017 2910T - Awning Problem/Question
« on: September 16, 2017, 09:57:40 am »
Ron D.,

We ordered our 2350 without an awning due to the large arms that were going to interfere with our rear swing storage/BBQ box. We will put an awning on like yours. Can you tell us the manufacture and model, and length? I'm also curious can the legs be lowered to accommodate harsher weather, and can the awning function partially extended(other than your picture)?

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 22, 2017, 03:50:58 pm »
Carol, Ron, and Dave,
Thanks for the suggestions.
We are having the factory do some changes, mostly deletes, and some adds that they are comfortable doing.
When I said major modifications I'm talking about getting a 60" wide(queen size) bed basically where the current one is now,
adding more batteries, and external storage. Thats probably talk for another part of this forum.
Good to meet you,

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 20, 2017, 11:33:58 pm »
Hello everyone,

We just ordered a 2350 4x4 450 a couple months ago. We live in Oregon, my wife is retired, I'm still at it for awhile.
We enjoy back country camping, have owned several trailers over the years, still own at least 5 tents from wall tents to bivey sacks. Have camped off mountain bikes pulling trailers to owning a pack string of llamas. This is our first Motorhome. We spent at least a year looking for an ideal rig, and didn't find one! We will be making some major modifications to our 2350 once we get it.
I appreciate the forum and all it has to offer!


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