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Messages - hutch42

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The older gentleman is Bob. He's the resident Campers Inn rep at the factory. I don't know who the other gentleman is.

The younger guy is part of the new team that came in after the purchase of the company.  His picture was on the old company website.

General Discussion / Re: Northwest get-together in 2020?
« on: March 13, 2020, 11:52:52 am »
Right.  The little village of Newhalem gets very little snow.  The highway is actually open another 10 miles east of town in the winter to service Seattle lights dams.

The dog is actually a goat.  Mascot for the avalanche team.  Mountain goat herds still roam the higher eastern elevations of the Cascades in that area.


Have a good trip.


General Discussion / Re: Northwest get-together in 2020?
« on: March 12, 2020, 08:33:43 pm »
    hat was the technical post. Now for the personal post.

    We are headed to the northwest in April. We received confirmation on a volunteer job at North Cascades Visitor Center. We'll be rolling North mid-April; working 4 days a week April 27- early September; then rolling east for our PCTC Spearfish reunion.

    I'm totally up for a get together either before we roll into our post deep in the mountains or while we are there. We'll be near the Newhalem campground.

    Nwcamper, if you are setting something up and we can get there, we're in! If you aren't setting something up, I can give it a go. Are you in the western part of Washington or Oregon?

    Are there other northwest people interested in a get-together? (Or non-northwest people willing to play in a beautiful area of the country?)


The North Cascade Highway just had the snow removal inspection this week.  They start clearing on Monday March 23 from the east side. A week later from the west side.  Snows depths pretty much average up in the pass, but lower then average at lower altitudes.  Usually takes 5-6 weeks to clear the 33 mile section.

Posted by WA DOT                     https://www.flickr.com/photos/wsdot/albums/72157713449798423/with/49648059828/


General Discussion / Re: Northwest get-together in 2020?
« on: February 09, 2020, 02:08:45 pm »
Yes on groceries. We mapped it before we applied and the rangers were very clear in our phone interview that everything was a good distance away. It will be 90 minutes one way to major stores, Walmart, Costco, etc.

Right the country store in Newhalem does carry a few items of essentials.  Its pretty quiet in that neck of the woods until the NC highway opens which should be between April 25th and May 2nd this year.  Newhalem, which is a true factory town for Seattle Light, gets very busy starting mid to end of May thru mid Sept.  Marblemount WA is about 20 mins west and has a couple of country type restaurants, and a great organic beef ranch...if your into beef.   https://americanalpsranch.com     2o2  Have fun.

General Discussion / Re: Northwest get-together in 2020?
« on: February 08, 2020, 09:04:12 pm »
That was the technical post. Now for the personal post.

We are headed to the northwest in April. We received confirmation on a volunteer job at North Cascades Visitor Center. We'll be rolling North mid-April; working 4 days a week April 27- early September; then rolling east for our PCTC Spearfish reunion.

I'm totally up for a get together either before we roll into our post deep in the mountains or while we are there. We'll be near the Newhalem campground.

Nwcamper, if you are setting something up and we can get there, we're in! If you aren't setting something up, I can give it a go. Are you in the western part of Washington or Oregon?

Are there other northwest people interested in a get-together? (Or non-northwest people willing to play in a beautiful area of the country?)

We have a cabin just across the NC Highway in Mazama WA.  Travel Rt 20 east/west a lot.

Will have to stop and see your rig sometime.

I am sure you have checked this out.  Its 16 miles to the nearest gas station and 7/11 type store, and 32 miles to a full size supermarket :-D


General Discussion / Re: Web site certificate expired?
« on: February 03, 2020, 12:11:16 pm »
Yup! Pretty much one year from this past weekend it happened the first time.

Really makes you think about whats going on.

General Discussion / Re: PC 4x4 / Battle Born package options
« on: January 24, 2020, 06:13:34 pm »
Second option is a newer Battle born battery package from PC. I guess Battle born created an optimized system for PC. From what I can piece together it’s 2 12v battle born batteries with heat warps, SC-2030 Charge controller, TM-2030 battery monitor. In addition to this package 2x150 Watt panel solar package is needed. 300 watts of solar panels seems a little light. Kept asking if a third panel could be installed but I guess not enough room. Model numbers for charge controller and monitor have not be confirmed.

Total for all solar installed 7k

I suppose if you are going to live off the grid for more then 3 days at a time or do some serious off season camping the lithiums seem to be what folks are using.  If not, just paring a couple of 6V AGM's with a lower cost 200 Watt solar system.  The 2552 should only burn 80-110 amps a day 3 season camping (unless your a 120V AC guy through the inverter.).  Also a lot of retros to lithium are trying to fit them inside the coach to keep warm.  There so light weight could fit them under on of the beds in a 2552 save all the warming issues.  Good luck.


He could go back to the roots of Class C RV's, if hes looking at alternatives.       http://www.lazydaze.com/index2.htm   The 31 footer looks close to his needs.  The down side is they are a bit above his budget and an 18 month wait to get a new one.   The upside is there are a few used out there.  You'll never find a 4-5 year old one used.  They dont exist.  Most sold on owners forum within a day or two.  The older one will still last 10-15 years.


PS   I take that back about used Lazy Daze.  Here is a once every few years deal that just came up.  2018 model.     https://www.rvtrader.com/listing/2018-Lazy-Daze-31-ISLAND-BED-5011016548

This "used" price list has been developed over the last 40 years. (cheer)*  Has usually been within 1-2% of actual.

*Can you imagine any business that would have anything like this...let alone an RV maker 2o2

General Discussion / Re: Can we hope to see this on new TRX?
« on: January 21, 2020, 02:01:00 pm »
I think part of the problem may be that Ford will not be releasing any of the new Transit cut away chassis until late spring......so ive heard.

WBGO was/is the largest maker of Class C Transit based RV's.  Production people at the Tampa show mentioned lack of chassis as part of the problem with coming up with anything new.  The other part is the cutbacks in design & engineering departments by new CEO.


General Discussion / Re: Slide crank
« on: December 21, 2019, 01:12:17 am »
Just a WAG.  PC switched to a Lippert/Schwintek slide a year or so ago.  Dont believe they have a manual crank system.

If you Goggle them they have a bunch of videos on how to electronically adjust, and operate the slide if it malfunctions


General Discussion / Re: 2910T Weight (U.V.W & W.W.V)
« on: December 10, 2019, 01:43:12 am »
Our friends over at Lazy Daze ( as I am sure your aware) are one of the few RV makers that religiously publish all those numbers.

Somewhat difficult to get exacting numbers model by model and year by year as things are very fluid in terms of changes.


General Discussion / Re: Just what is your Cruiser?
« on: December 05, 2019, 12:52:27 pm »
Actually the TRX is a class C.  There are only four class official designations of RV's, so says RIVA, manufactures official documentations, most in the know insurance co's, and a lot of state RMV's.

Class A -Built on a stripped down heavy duty truck or purpose built chassis, no cab. Entire body manufactured by RV company.
Class C -Built on either a cutaway or chassis cab truck frame..cab already on. Body with or without cab over manufactured by RV company.
Class B -Built on road worthy completed vans. Interiors and some exterior modifications completed by RV manufacturers
Towables -Anything that has to be towed by a vehicle.

But I guess we can call them what we want (cheer)

General Discussion / Re: Just what is your Cruiser?
« on: November 24, 2019, 11:40:11 am »
Who knows.............

RIVA who sets the standards for RV's says that there is no such thing as a B+ RV.  The name was given to certain non bunk over units by some manufactures as advertising hype.

RIVA considers all makes of finished vans that are converted to an RV to be a class B.  All cut away and cab chassis that are built into RV's to be class C.

Just sayin...... ;)


General Discussion / Re: TRX pic added to PC web page
« on: November 08, 2019, 01:49:27 pm »
UCC--a new RV word in specs?  "Useful Cargo Capacity" or Usable Carrying Capacity"?  Either way 1450 LBS not bad for a cutaway transit RV.  The competition (Transit) is running 850 Lbs to 1250 LBS.  Course its only 23' and no slide which makes sense.  WB Ratio is right on the money at 55%.  97" width seems a little wide.  The LTV Wonder and Coach house Plat III are 95" with some of those folks using a heavier duty sway bar....But the TRX is 2' shorter so maybe not.

I think they may have a "Typo" in the page showing all the models of PC.  It shows two TRX's with Sofa and Dinette.  Once you open the dedicated TRX page it shows both the dinette and the twin couch models.

Nice looking RV   tymote PC!

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