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Messages - vcolper

Pages: [1]
I found it. Pulled the furnace out and found the wires that go to the outlet above the cabin passenger side. Cable seem to have never been connected.


Mine has a 12V socket next to a coaxial cable under the sink/counter. I've found no inverter anywhere. And at the top cabinet above the passengers side there is a coaxial connector and the 110V outlet. No 12 V up there.
Ill keep on digging. Thanks for the input

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: April 17, 2024, 12:41:39 am »


Did I post this in the correct place?

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: April 16, 2024, 09:42:16 pm »
We just purchased a 2003 PC2350 two weeks ago. Downsized from a 1998 Newmar Dutch star DP. We really didn't get to use it much. Not the easiest thing to drive around, so we're giving this smaller RV a chance to see if we like it better. Needs some repairs (more than I expected), but hopefully I'll sort them out with the help :help of you all :)

Hello, :help
 I'm new to the PC world. I just purchased a 2003 PC 23 footer. I have now power at the 110 V outlet that is located above the passenger seat/cabin. It's the one that supposed to power the TV and maybe a DVD player. I've tried following the wire and have access up to the cover behind the driver seat, the 2 wires (yellow insulated with three wires each, hot, neutral and ground) From there they go under the slide out towards the breaker panel I believe.

I've tried to find the input for the problem outlet by looking for continuity from that outlet to all other outlets and breakers but no continuity to it.

All the other outlets work, all the breakers are on and the 12v fuses are all good.

I've searched for online support, a schematic but find nothing
I really would appreciate any help.



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