« on: November 02, 2023, 07:15:35 pm »
My name is Greg. My wife and I bought our 2013 2910D in 2015. It had 4500 miles on it and was like new...and we love it! We were looking for a B+ type coach and had seen some PC's on line. We stumbled across ours at a dealer who really wanted to get rid of it because it wasn't what they typically sold.
We usually tow a Mini Cooper 4 wheels down (6 speed stick) or a Harley on a trailer. We retired a couple of years ago and now have 34,000 miles on our coach. We get a lot of comments on our coach and interest from Type A owners who are looking to downsize. We moved from California to the Raleigh, NC area. I had a large shed constructed at our new home and keep the coach inside. I have electric available to keep the batteries charged up and being a retired plumbing contractor I also put in water and a sewer dump. I wanted to store it on my property so I can tinker around on it and always have it ready to roll!
I have found the E450 chassis and V10 motor to be as advertised. Not the best mileage or torque, but so far very reliable.
I am looking forward to getting some good ideas from other owners and maybe sharing some of my tweaks as well.