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Messages - Jeff Myers

Pages: [1]
Tips and Tricks / PC 2400 Extra Sleeping Capacity
« on: December 17, 2023, 01:48:39 pm »
Hi Folks,
I am interested in what innovative sleeping arrangements people have added to your 2400. We Bought our 2015 2400 this past summer and absolutely love it!  Our 2400 came with the two recliners which are very nice but just take up too much space, so I removed them and love all the additional space. So the current setup is perfect for the two of us and our two little dogs.

For a weekend jaunt we'll pitch a tent for kids and grandkids but I'd like to be able to sleep a couple more when needed on longer road trips. Something easily added and removed would be ideal to keep the open space when its just us most of the time.

Any experiences or ideas are appreciated.   

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: August 16, 2023, 01:24:15 pm »
Hello Everyone,

After many years of looking, we purchased our first drivable RV last month. We are in love with our 2015 2400 E350.
So far we've only camped on the way home from picking it up two states away but we are taking our first real trip this weekend to the mountains of central Pennsylvania.

I have been reading the forum and appreciate all of the knowledge and experience shared here. I'm sure I'll have many questions to come.


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