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Messages - JimInVA

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: we just ordered our new Phoenix Cruiser
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:41:15 am »
How exciting!  CONGRATULATIONS!!! (cheer) (cheer) (cheer)


General Discussion / Re: Just Made My Deposit On a New 2910T!!!
« on: January 11, 2017, 07:43:10 pm »
Five months could seem like forever.  So... to help pass the time... tell us what options you selected for your new 2910T.


General Discussion / Re: Wishes
« on: November 25, 2016, 12:54:33 am »
Thank you, all!  It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!


General Discussion / Re: New Owner
« on: November 07, 2016, 09:35:17 pm »
I, too, would love to hear what you did to make this 2552 "YOUR 2552".  I continue to go back and forth between the 2552 and the 2910T.  Hearing about what one has done and why... sure does help with my own perpetual internal dialogue (yes... I DO talk to myself!).


General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 26, 2016, 03:36:28 pm »
Greetings, Kate... and welcome to the forum!!

There is a lot of information, here.  Like, you, I'm planning for the perfect PC.  I've found that making a list of treasures (ideas) that I've found within the many threads and posts was the only way I could keep up with it all.  And I've still only scratched the surface.  I suspect you'll be pleased with how many will take time to respond (though I'm guess that many have begun to pursue their own spring/summer travels).  Enjoy the process... and my best to you!


Around the Campfire / Re: Our Sparky's last trip
« on: April 05, 2016, 05:52:20 pm »
The loss of one of our babies is difficult, indeed.  My thoughts go with you...


General Discussion / Re: Looking to purchase an 2006 or a newer 2551
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:02:24 am »
If I type "cragislist.com"... as is posted in the link, I get to a advertiser pop-up.  This is exactly the same as I get if I click the provided link.  As I cannot see the underlying hyperlink, I believe they both match.  I can't explain what you are seeing... or not seeing.


General Discussion / Re: Looking to purchase an 2006 or a newer 2551
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:13:23 am »
Clicking the Craigslist link in the above post kept resulting in a pop-up for me.  It looks to be spelled incorrectly.  I would advise caution if using the link and with any pop-ups which might result.


Around the Campfire / Re: Amazon Smile
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:49:17 pm »
Excellent awareness thread.  It costs nothing more to participate than using the regular site.  My account points to "A Midwinter Nights Dream, Inc"... an organization that donates to ALS/MND (Lou Gehrig's Disease) research.



General Discussion / Re: House Batteries for 2008 2551
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:29:07 pm »
Also a great idea!  I guess it would come down to which was most easily stored and took the lesser of available space.



General Discussion / Re: House Batteries for 2008 2551
« on: February 22, 2016, 11:59:28 am »

Thanks for the additional information.  Here is the note I made to myself (I have a running list) - "Jumper cables that are long enough (20' for Ron Dittmer's 2350) to reach from house batteries to the engine batteries for times when engine batts won't start engine."  I've now added that they be heavy duty.  Thanks again!!


General Discussion / Re: House Batteries for 2008 2551
« on: February 22, 2016, 11:26:05 am »
Excellent idea, Ron!  I've just added jumper cables to my list of "should have" items.


Around the Campfire / Re: Free National Park Pass for Fourth Graders
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:33:08 pm »
Thanks for the great information!  I've made a post about this on my Facebook account and referenced the NPS program.

Thanks again!


General Discussion / Re: Questions on a PC
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:47:57 pm »
George and Jill,

Here's a post that might give you some additional ideas related to batteries...


Try this again with Tom’s sage advice:
My wife and I live in Alaska and we like to hang out in remote places that most people would consider cold. I first chose PC because it has all internal plumbing. I added 4x4 because I didn’t want to have to run at the first hint of snow or Icy weather. I also like to be able to get in remote areas. I seldom go anywhere I cannot get into with two wheel drive but I have the insurance that if the weather changes I have the 4 wheel drive as a backup. Winter driving in general up here is much safer on the highways if you have 4x4. Third I do only backcountry camping or “boondocking” so I upgraded the Inverter to a 3000 watt pure sine wave and upgraded the battery charger to a 45 amp Lithium battery charger. That leads me to the batteries; I had PC put in the largest battery box they could put in. It will accommodate an 8D flooded battery. I am installing 400 amps of Lithium or LiPo batteries. They weigh one third to half of a flooded battery but put out twice the usable power and maintain a constant voltage throughout. The other nice thing is they charge twice as fast, have very little loss of power over time and should last three to four times what a flooded battery will last. The down side is their cost but over time that should negate itself. I also had PC wire for 300 watts of solar power on the roof and an additional 100 watts that will be ground deployed. I will install this once I get home. I also had them wire most of the coach thru the inverter with only one plug and the AC on Alternate Current. I had a number of other small items done on the interior like a plug in the back closet and one under the bed to accommodate a cordless vac. and my cordless drill/impact-wrench/flashlight/screw-gun. Many other changes were just things that fit us best. Probably the change that maybe the most controversial is our paint; Flat Black with Camo trim. I know that everybody that lives in warmer climes are probably rolling their eyes. For us we wanted something that would blend into most environments and we could pick up some nice radiant heat especially early in the morning when we like to sit outside and watch the sun rise and later when we want to watch the sunset. The nicest part of dealing with PC is being able to get what you want. Our rig is not for everybody and that is the way it should be for everybody. This is the fourth rig for us and we have owned a large TT and a fifth wheel and a large camper which is a 4x4. Our favorite is still our camper for the places it can take us and ease of use but it does not do well in the cold and is very limiting on how long you can stay before needing propane and dumping. We hope we have built our dream rig. PC has been great at accommodating us even though they probably think we are nuts and we are but that’s beside the point. The only thing I could not get that I wanted and was out of PC control, was I would have preferred a diesel. I have several diesel trucks and my believe is they get better gas mileage and seem to last longer have a lot better torque than any of the gas engines I have ever owned. I know when I am towing large items they seem in a league of their own.
We also got the levelers because I am tired of trying to level rigs with blocks and we never seem to camp anywhere it is level. The satellite seemed decadent but it gets dark early in the fall and tv reception outside any city is nonexistent here. We spend the majority of our time outside but when it’s stormy sometimes the tv is a nice diversion when all the books we have brought are exhausted. We can also get the weather and watch the news.

General Discussion / Re: 2016 - 2351 Options and Modifications
« on: February 09, 2016, 12:53:52 pm »
Awesome configuration!  I'm going to have to research each and every item... as many look like things I'd add... and some I don't know anything about.  August is going to be such a VERY L..O..N..G time to have to wait.  I hope the final season of co-op'ing keeps you busy and makes the time fly quickly past.  CONGRATS!!!


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