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Messages - 2 Frazzled

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General Discussion / Re: 2006 model 2350 Restoration and Modification
« on: August 03, 2024, 05:19:56 am »
Wow, that is one impressive man cave. You could hold a small concert right in there. And so tall. I am duly impressed and hope you have many happy days (with a lot less sweat) in your new work space.

General Discussion / Re: Giving it up
« on: May 07, 2024, 03:41:55 am »
It was a pleasure meeting you in Tennessee. I hope you enjoy whatever adventures are still to come your way.

You must be a Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club member to attend. https://phoenixcruisertravelclub.org/

Already a member? Sign in on the club website and select the link to register. Fill in the online form. You'll receive an invoice via email from the club treasurer. Problems signing in? Use the password reset link. Make sure you're signing in with the correct email address first.

Not a member? Sign up now at the same website. We are a friendly group run by owners, for owners. Membership Dues have been waived again this year so it's free to join! Problems joining? Use the "contact us" on the website button to reach the Club Webmaster for assistance.

I hope to see a bunch of you in Vegas! I plan to spend a lot of my free time at that glorious pool watching the palm trees sway in the breeze.

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: November 26, 2023, 05:02:21 am »
I have been a member since 2019. I stopped looking during Covid. We had our heart set on a Phoenix Cruiser 2910 but used prices have gone up quite a bit, so I haven’t found one.

We’re not retiring until next year, so I’m still just looking.

I suggest you join the Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club Facebook page if you haven't done so yet. You do not have to be a member of the club to join the Facebook page. Some people are listing their Phoenix Cruisers there.

Dave, I think this belongs on the other topic

You've got answers from the TripLite pros on here but I'd like to comment on a different aspect. What drained your batteries in the first place? They should not have drained sitting at a repair shop for two weeks unless the shop was running something off your batteries. I suggest checking that everything that can be turned off has been turned off (sound system, microwave, furnace, fans, heat strip, hot water, lights in bins and wardrobe, water pump, inverter, etc.) Repeat this process if you use that shop again and hit the kill switch on the house electric when you drop it off unless they are going to be working on something electric in the house. You may also want to call the service manager from the shop and let him know so they can avoid draining people's batteries in the future.

General Discussion / Re: slide stops after only going out a foot
« on: October 01, 2023, 06:09:26 am »
Ours did that. It was the slide topper. We think grit got in it and it wouldn't roll out. We helped it with the push and ripped the sleeve toppers riveted connectors right out of the side of the RV. Try blasting the rolling ends of the topper with water. Have one person outside watching the topper when you deploy the slide. If it's the same problem, you'll see the brackets straining. I don't know if you can manually test the topper without deploying the slide.

We had to remove the damaged topper. Doug had to move the brackets since we had ripped the screws out and new screws had nothing to mount to. He pop riveted the old holes. We no longer "help" the slide go out

Thanks Ron! I did get that brochure from Doneworking here on the forum. I sent it on to Steve as well as information on how to get onto this forum and the Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club Facebook page and website.

The brochure has also been posted on our Facebook page under the files tab if anyone wishes to look at it. The floral wallpaper and crushed velvet couch are... Um, elegant... eye catching? If you were in corduroy pants and a velour shirt and sat on the couch would you get velcro'd to it? Just a thought.

This topic was prompted by a request we received on our Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club website contact link from someone that just bought an old Intervec - in the UK!! He is searching for any and all info on them. I am sending him links and directions to get to this site as well as others and hope he gets on and sees this and any responses. 

This is his request "Hi, I've just bought a 1987 Intervec Dodge B250. Looking for any and all information on them and you're the only place there is I think. Certainly nothing in the UK!! Manuals, layouts, pictures etc etc all greatfully recieved !!! Thanks Steve"

If Steve gives me permission to share his contact information, I will be sending his information and request in an email to everyone in the Travel Club database that shows an Intervec. Since we don't share personal information, it will be up to those owners or past owners to respond directly to him if desired. We found 11 in our database but people don't necessarily update us when they change RVs or sometimes even their contact information but we'll send the email and hopefully he'll find some kindred spirits and helpful information. There may also be Intervec owners on this forum that are not in the Travel Club so hopefully you can all link up through here.

General Discussion / Intervec Horizons and Falcons - Share your info here
« on: September 18, 2023, 11:33:10 am »
Who owns one? Who used to own one? Do you have pictures, manuals, documents, helpful info? Share it here.

Mine doesn't have the red arrow. It must change with the design you choose. Mine just has a line of text at the end of all the postings. "Reply" is the first choice. You don't reply to an individual post so it can be confusing. You can use the "insert quote" option found on each individual post. This copies that post and puts it into a new text box where your add your comment. It will then fall at the end of the whole string of comments but shows which specific posting you are replying to.

General Discussion / Re: For sale forum
« on: September 07, 2023, 07:56:17 am »
I don't know if anyone has sold there but you can also post for free on the Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club Facebook Page. You have to request to join the group page but don't have to be a travel club member.

General Discussion / Re: Rooftop Warm Air Diverting Fin???
« on: July 27, 2023, 05:34:46 am »
I remember the sales rep (back in 2012/2013) telling us the baffle was added because the AC would blow into the vent and blow out the refrigerator pilot light. If true, the heat deflection was an unexpected (and possibly unknown) benefit. Those thermal pics are awesome!

General Discussion / Re: Generator Running Hot
« on: July 07, 2023, 12:09:49 am »
We've had our PC for over 10 years with 5.5-6 of those full time. We avoid running the genny if we can but have run it for hours in heat under load on several occasions with no overheating problem.

Hi, this is Holly, President of the Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club. Our treasurer, Karen, is out of the country with spotty internet. She will be back this week. Your check would have gone to her. I'm sure you'll hear from her shortly.

As for contact, club email addresses are at the top of the newsletter which you should be receiving via email every two months. You can also use the "contact us" button on the phoenixcruisertravelclub.org main web page. That goes to the webmaster (John) and her forwards as necessary.

The club works closely with the factory but it's a separate entity. It is for owners and run by owners.

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