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Messages - Doneworking

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General Discussion / Re: All good things have to come to an end
« on: July 26, 2023, 07:56:30 am »
Thanks Mike and Calcruiser.   I appreciate your comments.   I am cleaning the PC out today and detailing it for the next lucky owner.  Gonna be a warm job considering the forecast for 102F here in Oklahoma City today!


General Discussion / All good things have to come to an end
« on: July 25, 2023, 12:41:25 pm »
After ten years of wonderful ownership and fine service, it is time for us to sell our 2013 PC 2350. 

We have meticulously maintained it and we were so excited when we bought it from a newbie ten years ago this September.   He had owned it eleven months and decided, much to his wife's dismay, what he really wanted was big diesel pusher.   We had spent a year looking at new units online and had decided on the 2350 as our ideal coach because we loved the size and the large black tank which would is perfect for boondocking, which is how we mostly camp.  We planned to fly up to the factory and order a new one.   Then, this baby with full body paint and more options than we would have ever ordered popped up for sale less than five miles from our home!!   Since they only made about 20 of this model a year (best we could determine) it was an amazing discovery for us.   We made the deal with the seller in less than an hour, a record for me buying anything much beyond a T shirt!!

Now, after forty years of RVing, age and situation tells us it is time to move on from owning our lovely coach.   For ten years this unit has been stored in an enclosed garage, just as the original owner did during his eleven month tenure.  So, we begin the process of finding a new home for our "baby".   

This forum has been immensely helpful to me over those ten years.   Thanks to all that contributed and gave us a lot of good advice and technical knowledge we didn't possess, particularly as it applies to some of the things unique to PCs.   

Finding a value for a fully equipped, always garaged coach with less than 34,000 miles is difficult and that is where we are in the process now.   If anyone has any ideas let me know.   I have been searching online for some comps and so far the results of that are limited.  There just doesn't seem to be many low mileage upscale Cs fully equipped in top shape to compare. 


Thanks for the replies.  I finally reset a few times and it has been on gas running fine for about eight hours now.   I'll just watch it carefully and see what happens.  This is the first trip this year and maybe it just is mad because it has not been having any fun.   


I am trying to get ready for a trip and now my refrigerator won't stay lit on gas.  It will run for several hours and then the  fail light comes on.  I checked the burner and the flame is clean bright blue.   Any ideas as to the cause?

General Discussion / Re: Replace the Fridge?
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:29:33 pm »
2LUCKY, I have had several three way refrigerators in Class Bs over the years.  Bs are notorious for being difficult to cool the refrig on hot days and that is because the small nature of the B just dictates a different set of problems as opposed to a C.   That being said, I never had a problem with my three ways.   My experience and that of most folks I know is that the 12v option only is of some value when you are going down the road and your batteries are being pumped by your alternator.  Otherwise, as Don said, the batteries will rapidly decline, even over a long lunch.   

Gas is very efficient in these refrigs and electric is useable.   I fired up a few hours ago today in direct sunlight on the refrig side of the rig and the freezer is now down to 11 F and going lower.   I am on gas.   Soon, I will plug into the AC and finish the job.  It is bright  sun and 84 outside right now. 

So, yes three ways have some advantages but boy the DC is really of minimal value in my experiences.    B problems almost dictate the installation of a small 12v fan or two appropriately located to create an air current over the coils.   It is a good idea in my view with all RV gas refrigerators.   

Finally, if you try the fans and they don't seem to help, check your door seals on the refrig. 

We mostly boondock and so are very stingy with our batteries. 

CALCRUISER's link to door seals is very important.  Personally, I use silicon spray on my seals as opposed to petro jelly.   I just spray them, let them sit an hour or two and then wipe off any excess. 

Finally, if all else fails google or search RV forums for burping a rv refrig.    My first motorhome was in 1983 and I bought an old half worn out C and had to  have it burped.   I had no idea about burping or anything else about a rv but we had a blast and some tears learning over time.   

Who else do you know that broke down on top of the Mesa Verde (National Park) and spent their fifth wedding anniversary in a junk yard in a small town on the Western Slope because no one else in the town would work on my rig??    Still married to the same gal. 


General Discussion / Re: 12 volt plug
« on: April 04, 2023, 07:22:36 pm »
Lots of opinions on different brands, how long to keep them, etc. on this and all RV forums.   I believe tire life is affected by a lot of factors but I always err on the side of caution.   On any vehicle there are just a few square inches of tire with my life riding on them and I replace them long before they are "worn out".   How vehicles are stored is another major factor I would offer for consideration.   

General Discussion / Re: Blinds
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:24:27 pm »
I have had no issues with my shade over the kitchen window in our 2350.  If I had a problem with it, I would just go to Lowes and buy another one.  They sell these kinds of shades according to their website. 

These string shades can be purchased and modified a bit as to width and length.   Also, shade string can be purchased on Amazon. 

General Discussion / Re: Good website for RV Tire Information
« on: February 27, 2023, 08:42:31 am »
Ditto to Taildragger's post above in re Cooper tires.   I have gone to the same locally owned tire and auto repair shop for forty years.   They sell a lot of different brands and will order you about anything you want that is special.  The owner got me started buying Cooper tires several years ago and they now on all our vehicles.   Never a problem, good ride and long lasting. 

FLEI wrote:

"I forgot to mention the road into Chaco Canyon which was definitely the worst 20 mile stretch of road we traveled, with much washboard surface and several difficult gully crossings from the recent monsoons that went thru there; prior off-road driving experience is useful in such conditions . "

I also think that twenty miles is the worst road I have ever driven with a rv.  Actually, I don't recommend it to anyone.  I am also sure the NPS wants it to stay that way to protect Chaco.  Otherwise, you would have too many people tramping down this fragile relic masterpiece.  If we go back there we will leave the PC at a campground in the area, take our Jeep to go to Chaco and sleep in the Jeep.   That road is just too much to expect a motorhome to endure again.   Doable, yes but at best a really miserable, trip and plan on taking more than an hour for the drive. 


General Discussion / Re: Glad we have a Phoenix Cruiser!
« on: January 13, 2023, 09:02:04 am »
I hope the PC Forum Team factory folks read all the posts on this forum all the time.   If they do and if they make a list of continuing problems of a specific nature they would be half way home (or at lease start on the way home) to further perfecting the PC product. 

General Discussion / Re: Glad we have a Phoenix Cruiser!
« on: January 08, 2023, 10:18:41 am »
It is interesting to me just how much pain and suffering some folks will accept as ordinary when it comes to owning a RV.  Looking at the latest RIVA sales numbers and the big declines in production and sales, you gotta wonder if a lot of people that bought a rig as the answer to Covid will stick with ownership. 

After a few uses, lots of excuses and the typical dealer abuses, I wonder if we won't see a bunch just take the hit and get out of rving.   Some of course, will have discovered a great way to travel and a great hobby pursuit. 

All I know is after almost ten years of ownership of our PC, we are still happy campers.   I don't mind fixing a few things as time passes, but when I go to rv shows and look at a lot of units I see a lot of brands that anything more than casual inspection should give a buyer pause.   


What a great trip!   I saw a guy bust a bunch of cabinets loose on a nice pull behind trailer on that Chaco Canyon road.   You had great lifetime experiences.   Glad you PC did it's task.   

General Discussion / Re: Glad we have a Phoenix Cruiser!
« on: October 27, 2022, 09:30:55 am »
It would be interesting to know how many units Phoenix Cruiser produces in total each year now compared to previous years.

Those of us that have older PCs recall no dealer networks and virtually every unit being custom built by workers who had been there a long time.   And the guy that started the company was there every day to guide the whole effort.    Small, controlled companies in the rv industry mostly don't exist fourteen years  post 2008.   

In going on ten years of ownership of our PC, our experience is simple:  no problems other than minor self fixits.   I just feel fortunate to own one of the older, well maintained and indoor stored rigs. 

General Discussion / Glad we have a Phoenix Cruiser!
« on: October 25, 2022, 12:06:28 pm »
I read this a couple of days ago and it just confirms some of my personal observations visiting with new unit owners and going through new rigs at a few rv shows.   We are a lucky lot, PC owners!


General Discussion / Re: Holding tanks not draining through macerator
« on: October 05, 2022, 10:35:32 pm »
I suspect the whole process would take less than ten minutes.  Hooking up a short hose, hooking up a garden hose to it and turning on the macerator to see what happens?   Seems simple to me.   

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