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Messages - RichardP

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General Discussion / Re: Any Experience with new 6 Speed Transmission
« on: September 08, 2016, 12:08:59 am »
We just completed our annual trip from Texas to northern NM and back over the summer in our 2016 2910.  Our previous PC was a 2013 3100.  There IS a differnece between the old and new transmissions.  I like the new one a lot.  For whatever "mechanical" reason, we didn't get that old high-pitched whine while going up the mountains.  It is much quieter and the overall feel of power is good.  The total trip was about 1500 miles and the mileage touched 9 mpg -- better than last year, but nothing to write home about.


General Discussion / Re: Satellite
« on: July 09, 2016, 04:41:21 pm »
Barry's soultion is the "best" for something permanent.  The only time we use sat is when we to to northern NM for about 6 weeks in the summer.  I found that one way to use the outside connection is to loosen the screws on the connection box inside the compartment and then determine which cable comes from the outside connection.  Run this to the cable box and you can get reception.  I also sent the output from the cable box to a duplex (?) [you know...one of those one-in-two-out things] connector with the cables connected to the two sets.  Obviously, we only used one cable box so the same thing goes to each set.  It works in a pinch, but as I said, Barry has the BEST solution.


General Discussion / Re: Refrigerator Cooling
« on: June 15, 2016, 10:28:18 pm »
Add one more to the "no problems in high altitude" crowd.  We go to Eagle Nest, NM every summer -- 8200'  Never a problem.  Sure beats the hot summer weather we are already having in TX.  Just enjoy it and keep the ice cream cold for us.

Richard and BJ

Polls / Re: Snowbirds
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:49:03 am »
OOPS!!!! My college major was math...I always get Angle and Angel mixed up!  I guess I can be chagrined, shamed and vexed all a the same time! :-[  Anyway...you know what I meanh.

Polls / Re: Snowbirds
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:45:02 am »
We are "reverse snow birds" that need to excape the Texas heat in the summer.

1.  Travel from east Texas.
2.  Eagle Nest, NM ( between Angle Fire and Red River)
3.  July andAugust
4.  5 years
5.  Yes.  Good group of regulars whose company we really enjoy
6.  No.  -- too cold there in winter!!!

Richard and BJ

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:57:42 pm »
welcome Russ and Linda!  I thnk those of us here will agree that you are in the right place.   (exactly)  My wife and I have enjoyed our 3100 for about 3 1/2 years and we will be getting a 2016 2910D in January.  We cannot say enough positive things about the people at the PC factory and those on this forum.  Hope to see you in a PC in 2016.

Richard and BJ

Hey Ron, I promise not to "worry about you."  Sounds like you have it together in many ways.  Not all of us have or had the luxury of getting to retirement at an early age, but you may have to run to catch up with us!  I just picked up this thread today, so I am late in adding my congratulations.  Always enjoy your posts here and on other sites.  Now you will have more time to send us even more.  Enjoy!!!!


Photos / Re: Milky Way over PC2100
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:42:34 pm »
Cool picture!  "Beam me up, Scottie!" ;)

General Discussion / Re: Moving up to class a
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:04:42 pm »
Best of good times to you Mark.  A lot of us here have gone the other direction -- from an A to our PCs.  It all gets down to what our needs are at the time.  Thanks for your posts and come back for visits.

General Discussion / Re: Sound proofing/Undercoating
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:57:20 pm »
We got that "ad" too, and I chose not to do it.  No real reason other than I have not seen a pressing need for it on our vehicles of the past.  I do think the Safe-T-Plus steering control will be helpful and we are having that installed.  We didn't do that on our 3100, and if we had kept it we probably would have gotten around to that.  While we track pretty good, I do feel it when the 18 wheelers pass us on the freeway.  Others may have different opinions on the undercoating, and I would respect their views.  Glad to hear delivery has been moved up.


General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: October 24, 2015, 08:17:13 pm »
Hello Ron and Toni.  I can agree with you about the wait.  My wife and I have had a 3100 for about three years, and we have enjoyed it every time we have gone out.  We decided that we wanted a 2910D, and after months of thinking about it, taking a trip from Texas to Elkhart, and thinking some more...we ordered ours about two weeks ago.  I called Earl last week to see if it was finished!  He politely referred me to the calendar and I realized that only two weeks had past.  (WH) We, too, will just have to wait.  I know you will enjoy your PC AND this forum.  I don't "contribute" much, but I read it all the time and learn tons of things.  Let us know when you take delivery on yours.

Richard and BJ

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:51:20 pm »
Welcome!!  My wife and I take our 3100 up to Eagle Nest, NM every summer.  If it gets too hot for you this summer, come on up and join us.  Enjoy!

Richard and BJ

While an interesting concept, I tend to side with Carol on this.  We have a 3100 and have a 2910D on order, so we are "loyal" PC people.  Sometimes it is difficult to be "all things to all people" and still deliver the quality product we all want.  Also, many of us are beyond the "kids" era.  We do have a 9 year old grandson who likes the RV, but we have no problem in ours with setting up the couch for a sleeping area.  I also think that many ouf us, no matter what the ads say, believe in that old line -- "How many does it sleep?  Answer:  TWO!!!"  If PC is the "...#1 choice in downsizing..." as their ads say, they are probably hitting the market that works for them.  But hey, if it makes them more money...go for it.


General Discussion / Re: Question for 2910 Owners
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:34:13 am »
Thanks, Jim and Beth.  We wondered about the tightness of the queen.  We asked Earl if it could be made with a double bed and he said it could.  That might give us a few more inches around the edges. 

General Discussion / Question for 2910 Owners
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:48:13 pm »
My wife BJ and I are considering a change from our 3100 to one of the 2910 models.  As I look at the 2910D I see things I like, but then the 2910T has a lot of things going for it.  The biggest difference I can see is that the T would give that extra storage under the dinette that we could use for "pantry" items whereas the D does not have that.  Can some of you experienced owners let me know what your thoughts are?  If you have a D, where do you store things?  If you have a T are there drawbacks that I am not seeing. 
Thanks for any input on this.


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