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Topics - Cat House

Pages: [1]
Adventure Anywhere / Hamcation in Orlando Florida
« on: January 22, 2019, 11:15:12 am »
Just wondering if any other PC Ham Radio operators are heading to Orlando for 2019 Hamcation.  We plan on camping onsite. 

General Discussion / Onan question
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:26:15 pm »
Last weekend we used the PC to support the amateur radio field day event.  After running the generator, Tom wants to do an oil change....the question is how do you access the Onan to do an oil change?  We can see the lower end of the generator and can open the little access door. on the 2552 but how do you access the onan to do basic maintenance? Is there a magic button that I missed?

Adventure Anywhere / Phoenix cruiser siting today
« on: March 31, 2017, 09:34:54 pm »
Saw two PCs traveling west on I-20 near Shrevport, L! This morning.  Of course we were headed east.  Safe travels fellow cruisers.

Adventure Anywhere / On the road again
« on: March 22, 2017, 06:07:43 pm »
Heading from Alabama to Shawnee, OK, for a GMC International Motorhome Rally.  Found a great campground in Vicksburg, MS, at the Ameristar Casino.  If you stop in Vburg overnight be sure to go to Walnut Hills Resturaurant.  They are noted for Fried Chicken and delicious high calorie desserts Yummmmm.  Another great campground is the Texarkana RV  Park.  It is only 3 years old and well maintained...plus they offer military, Good Sam's or Passport America discounts.  The park is configured to host rallies, but has a smaller section in the back for overnighters. 

Love the PC and exploring the back roads of America.  Brought the PC home in mid Oct 2016 and this is the 8th trip. The only downside so far...the navigator seat is not wide enough to accommodate 3cats and a passenger. 😉

Tips and Tricks / Our Oops discovery
« on: January 16, 2017, 06:04:08 pm »
Our last adventure in the PC was a learning experience.  Tom, being the sweetie that he is, put towel bars on the sliding bathroom door.  Good idea, unless you travel with T-REX, a cat who expects he servants to run water in the shower anytime he wants it day or night.  Being good servants, we leave the shower door open so T can claim his rightful place back on the bed after his drink.

The campground had one of those incredibly bright at 2 am mercury vapor lights putting out enough light to read a book in the bathroom.  The logical solution is to slide the door closed.  Of course, T-Rex enjoyed his midnight drink at the shower oasis, so the door was open.  All was good until morning and we wanted to get back into the bathroom. The sliding door would only open a few inches...the shower door prevented the bathroom door from opening.

It was a 30 minute battle with the door, using the mirror on the closet door to guide a spring rod and a few choice cowboy words, processing contortion poses that would befuddle a yoga instructor, the door slide back.  The lesson --  let T-rex join the masses and drink water from a bowl and keep the shower door closed.     ;)

Adventure Anywhere / Anyone going to Hamcation in Orlando
« on: January 16, 2017, 05:49:13 pm »
Just wondering if anyone was going to go to the Orlando Ham Fest next month?  It would be great to meet other members of the forum.  We have only had our new-to-us 2012 2252 PC since October or 3,000 miles and love it.


Adventure Anywhere / Olando bound
« on: December 09, 2016, 09:39:59 pm »
Heading to Lake Louisa near Clermont, FL, to meet with friends (a no-host GMC motor home rally).  At the last GMC rally in Florida, we have learned that other GMC owners also have PhoeniX Cruisers.  :)  We love our new-to-us PC 2552.

Next week is a big dog show at the Orlando convention center. (yes, even cat lovers can appreciate a dog.) Next Saturday (Dec 17) is the meet the breed open house.  If you want to see some of the best dogs in the US or just get more information on a particular breed, it is a great way to spend an afternoon.

Adventure Anywhere / August 2017 Total Eclipse Rally
« on: October 30, 2016, 11:18:00 am »
We are heading to River View RV Park near Dillard, GA, 18-22 August 2017.  The park is filling up for this event that is scheduled to happen on 21 Aug about 3 pm.  I know a group of GMC motor homes plan on being there and it would be nice to have some Phoenix Cruisers join us for a long weekend no-host rally.  If you want to talk about this call us.  Tom 251-263-2185 or Marilyn 251-487-1872.

The next total eclipse visible in the US will not be until 2025 if you want to plan really early for a special event.

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