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Topics - HenryJ

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General Discussion / The slides dont slide
« on: April 07, 2019, 07:44:46 pm »
 Well  with assist from another PC owner I did determine that house batteries are fully charged. But the slides don't move... just a click. I did for the first time open the panel and look and 2 friends on line looked at photos I sent and said main ones were fine. I flipped the invertor switch off and on in the breaker box,  since it is not coming on with the buttons on the teeny tiny wall panel. I first thought the expensive new batteries had died but they have not according to the buttons on the wall.
Now what do I do. I was set to go off for a short jaunt Wednesday and meet up with a group I belong to for their winter snow birds good bye... I will still go even if I have to sleep sideways on the bed.
The joy can be hit or miss. Oh lordy.
P S   the generator will not start, turn over or anything. Its late in the day so I did not want to start the rv engine and then try the generator. I am currently in my driveway, in preparation for travel  to near Disney. I can move to that mode in the morning. I do have overhead lights and elec plugs...tv    help!

Well I will say good night and hope someone has some idea's I can try tomorrow. I will call the plant in the morning and ask for some direction. Thanks to all the readers...regards P

General Discussion / AGM Batteries installed
« on: October 31, 2018, 08:07:14 am »
I went for service 3 weeks ago when  the PC gathering was cancelled for hurricane watch. Well I had AGM batteries installed to replace service required regularly ordinary batteries.  Now to see what on earth kind of adjustments should be made. I thought I turned off the battery charger unit however when I arrived to check on things yesterday it was on and showing a reading again. Not sure what I need to do to operate with these new batteries.
I did locate the Owners Manual and from what it said, I thought the battery charger should be off. It did not mention this kind of battery at all. Guessing game. Any ideas would be appreciated. On the road again next week.

General Discussion / Dining little opening window fogged
« on: October 11, 2018, 10:44:06 am »
well what do we do now. the little dining windows at the bottom of the big unit ... That open have one that is foggy and also has a collection of moisture on one side. I first thought it was something that I might wipe off then I opened and indeed reached up and it is double pane and there it is. Will see if I can add a picture.

General Discussion / Carbon Monoxide alarm when on gen set & AC running
« on: August 25, 2018, 11:56:21 pm »
Well, guess I am glad I am awake at this house. The Alarm began to go off and I  got up... And it appeared it was the carbon monoxide and indeed it was a red light and a loud alarm... I opened the door, turned off the ac and then the generator too. And was able to open one dinette window... Other one will not be opened except with my trusty hammer. Guess my test drive could have ended up dead. Amazing... And not the result I was looking for. The fumes from the GenSet should not be coming in with the ac... That is not good at all. I was not aware of that before. And earlier the coming and going may have helped change the air quality to fair.  Could have come home from dinner to find a dead dog companion too.... The thoughts are enough to keep me awake tonight. Camping with no electric plug in seems to be not for me.

Have to see why this would have happened and if it can be fixed.

Have now to check and see how many windows will open if needed. These are nice to look at but opening has always been a PIA...
the unit is 2910T.   3 slides but tonight only 1 slide out. The dinette. This could have been a nightmare for grandaughter... Not nearly as clever as it was supposed to be. P

General Discussion / Storage bin won't open
« on: August 05, 2018, 07:56:55 pm »
Well the day came and the RV came home temporarily. Now have to find a real parking place our old property sold and gone. As I was going through the bins I came up with surprises, the drawer at the bottom of the big bin at the rear passenger side of the 2910T wont budge. It has handles that you pick up and pull it looks like ..  no pull.
Then on drivers side the second bin first mechanism does not catch.. it can be locked no doubt but it does not catch onto anything. One does one does not.However this one will open.
P S I plan to use a big skinny kitchen knife to slide along the top if that is possible and see if the big bin has something intruding and that is why it wont open. That works in the kitchen. Will find out if too much stuff packed in. Cannot ask Jim now. SO it is my problem to solve.

Ok I had a clue in call and now I remember the big bin shelf sits on the drawer and I think ours is screwed down but I have tools so that can be remedied. And then I can see what is holding it tight so it wont open. Amazing what you can remember when you get a konk on your head by phone. Thanks L    and now waiting for daylight and I will be out with my electric screwdriver. P

General Discussion / House batteries seem to be overchargingOur
« on: November 08, 2017, 11:31:01 am »
Our chief maintenance man (Jim) who is chief passenger in our 2910T says it looks like our house batteries are overcharging. We discussed getting AGM materiel which will cut out the maintenance ritual but may not stop the overcharging. And the thought what on earth do you turn off to get rid of the overcharging. In the class A knowing which way things flowed was a lot easier and cutting something off was possible.  Parked at our other house we have full power on 50 amp which is what we have in our unit and refrigerator is not empty or disconnected. Next trip in less than a month.  We also have access to dump for our macerator which makes that parking spot very handy.  Our unit is 2016 and still kinda short on miles.. About 8,000 now... We hope to make up for our slow warm up next spring and summer.
Anyone know the secret to this let us know. P

General Discussion / Magazine highlights P C for Nov issue
« on: October 19, 2017, 02:37:30 pm »
We are the feature in the new issue of the FMCA magazine. There is a nice article with photos and another feature that is in this issue is Boondocking which is usually a camping done by folks in many PC units which seem suited to this. So this may be of interest. It is good that
we get this feature during the month that our new ownership is brought to light and now we look forward to the future. So now you are
up to date. Regards

General Discussion / Storm Report Aunt Irma
« on: September 10, 2017, 01:54:38 pm »
I drove the PC up to park by the house. Driveway is higher ground that where we usually park with elec avail ... no elec at the house yet.
So I fired up the genset for an hour so that onboard batteries are holding their own. We have a forecast of elec power in house to be
off later. With Genset in RV we can have coffee and toast no matter as long as it remains in place in the driveway. We've had heavy rains a while ago.
Did squeeze a short visit out for Miss Elle... she was more into sniffing than worrying about the weather.

I tried wiping down the drip from AC by the drivers side door with CLR on a cloth and it did help remove the drip lines which were awful. I had tried other cleaners but that was only one that made a dent in the lines. I think it needs an extension on the drain so it does not run down the side but that is after the bad weather passes. And should be thoroughly cleaned and waxed then it might not stain so . PWS

Tips and Tricks / Ant invasion
« on: September 03, 2017, 06:03:20 pm »
On Saturday Jim discovered we had an ant invasion in the cabinets over the sofa... he did reach in for crackers and got covered in ants before he noticed what was going on. When I told a couple of friends about the find one told me her quick spray for ants was hair spray. Since that is usually not too far away and could be used in all kinds of non flameable circumstances i thought that was a great tip. I did remove things and sprayed with a healthy spray and it will soon be back to normal. Now I have to see if any hint where they got in. Ive never had RV bugs that crawl so this will end.

Tips and Tricks / Before U power up or off
« on: August 25, 2017, 06:17:51 pm »
We have had a long standing rule that the AC unit is off before we turn on the electric shore power or off. Same goes for the generator. We often are traveling on the road in hot weather and do not power up AC till we have full power on then we turn off AC prior to shutting down the Generator. This makes sure there is no surge and we have a clean power on and off. We hope this gives everything a good life span. And with the little generator we run only one Air Conditioner to keep Miss Elle riding in style in our Phoenix Cruiser Dog House.
P S I have an elec plug behind passenger seat and I have plugged into that an apparatus which lights to tell me when the power is up even though you can hear the system come on too.

General Discussion / 2910 T new toilet is in the mail
« on: August 12, 2017, 05:19:34 pm »
Some time ago we developed a leak from the toilet. We missed it for ages and on the way home from Elkhart we had a lot of standing water and sure enough eyes wide open now. Determining what to do is not easy when you are not an expert on RV toilet installs. We looked at outlets to order a new one, after all ,that should stop the leak maybe. However the installed toilet is identified by an OEM Thetford number not available to retail customers... and it took a phone call to Thetford to determine and get the right number. No details from PC although we had sent several messages. So now we think the right model is on its way to our front door. Busy schedule next week without this but eventually we will determine if we are back to indoor plumbing or not. So the Thetford 2910T toilet is the 42059  the OEM is #42051 apparently.

Never had a RV toilet failure... I hope this is going to cure this problem. Will be letting you know in a week or so. Regards P

General Discussion / We are at Phoenix
« on: July 24, 2017, 10:04:07 am »
Monday morning at Phoenix...they were busy and working away. Were very good at taking on our listing and getting things in order. We had communicated with Kermit on this and he is not on site yet. So we are hopeful to have things in better shape shortly. They are hoping for a one day fix but the A C may delay that and we are prepared to hang around.  Happy Monday to our PC family out there. Patricia and Jim

Adventure Anywhere / Welcome to Elkhart
« on: July 22, 2017, 03:07:52 pm »
We arrived in a rain storm ride on the rough roads (31) and lost front driver side wheel cover en route. Hope we can get a new one on Monday with the list of things that should have attention. Have had AC hiccups with both units... Back one  was giving out warmer non cooled air... Front goes on then off then right back on again.  Annoying since it does not seem to be working right. Then the trim on bathroom door by hinge side for 3 feet keeps coming off the frame. No nails or glue... Same thing happening over the bed at the back of the overhead cabinet the same narrow trim no glue so coming apart from the  cabinet.
We had a heavy downpour near midnight and it came into the RV by way of the dinette slide once more. And soaked the floor and the rug at the entry way. I mopped it all up put the wet rug in shower and pulled in the dinette. Had this same problem when we took delivery near a year ago at same Elkhart campground today I have concentrated on leveling to endure the weekend and hope for no more water intrusion.
Want to see if I can get a drawer of some kind for the cutting board that I will never use. Bad location and no way on earth to clean....Need anothr shelf for medicine cabinet now to see if available or if I have to be handy. And the bright work outside is deteriorating (chrome) so not sure how that can be handled. the expert opinion of the paint job is not what it should be. the macerator is a blessing. When you learn the program and learn how to wash out your holding tanks you can be a good clean sewer operator.
Still need the radio available when no engine running. Not an option yet. On my list. No aux on ignition mearns no alt switch to turn on radio and we pay a good penny for all our Sirius accounts. Want my radio. On this trip we were in KY and no tv no way would have love to have Sirius... NOT avail with this set up.
And have not properly learned the dvd player operation did bring some along. just in case.
Well we are here in place... Be at the shop early on Monday checking in. Dog, Mr and Me

Tips and Tricks / Book holder by seat
« on: June 23, 2017, 10:50:00 pm »
We had Mr.s book collection to trip over getting out of front seats and it was not good. I discovered I had nice wire baskets for odds and ends and decided to try one which was rectangular and tall enough to hold things... He now has his notebook, his travel map book and his terrible camping world directory all standing in place by his (passenger) seat. He is happy as a lark to finally have things where they are at hand and usable with no struggle. In the class A he had more space and a pull out desk top to work on. So lot of adjustment but it can work. Just did 2100 miles n had a good trip.

General Discussion / PC. Tires look under valued in load range
« on: April 30, 2017, 10:28:15 pm »
In advance of doing a cross country Florida to Spokane Washington Mr was evaluating the tires that came on the 2910T. PC. To see if they are  rated sufficiently to  carry the load with things you pack and  min supply of water to allow use of toilet  etc when traveling. His figures are that the tires are under what they need to be so looks like we get 6 new tires before we head off into the hinter lands. the tires  are 225/75/R  LT. Looks like load range E and are  Mud N Snow 2... We have not found any mud or snow yet.

So the info search goes on. These online sites all want to sell you something so info is short. We won't have  3,000 miles when these  go in the corner.  Regards Patricia

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