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Topics - ron-n-toni

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General Discussion / Satellite TV
« on: November 30, 2018, 06:26:53 pm »
Headed for Florida on the 15th for 2 to 3 months to let double knee replacement heal. Longest trip ever. We have been thinking of getting satellite TV but have many questions. We see Dish has a program were you can call to turn it on and off. Is Dish or Direct better. How about antennas, roof top or carry out.  I see some info that you can only get local stations on the western satellites; true or false. Any thoughts on systems, equipment, or where to buy. Thanks. :help

General Discussion / Advanced RV air conditioner
« on: November 08, 2018, 03:47:28 pm »
I am wondering is any PC owners have had experience with a/c units sold by Advanced RV. Our a/c installed on out 2017 2552 is so loud and thumps when it cycles we rarely us it.  Anyway, we have looked for a quieter and more efficient unit and found Advanced RV sells a unit from Australia that is three times quieter and 20% more efficient. Price is high, $2741 installed and waiting list is long. February at the earliest. So will install it myself. I know most of the problems on installation (240 volts/50cycles vs our 120 volts/60 cycles, etc) but would like to hear from anyone who has actually heard, seen, or felt this unit. Thanks (WH)

General Discussion / Factory visit
« on: July 16, 2018, 07:57:12 pm »
I was at the factory to to have a new dash installed. The old one discolored. Also had an awning installed. The line was full but there were no units in the welding area getting started. I heard a comment that they better make some sales at the FMCA show. I spoke to Pete, a saleman wbile waiting on my rig. He said they made a big mistake raising the price so much and were having a meeting today about it. The increase included the slide as standard with a rebate for no slide. New on 2019 models. Would you believe positive locking cabinet latches. The 2351 will have a rear bed slide, no more side bed. Also an all inclusive monitor and switch panel, cpap outlet. Also, wood floor is out due to swelling but will be replaced with wood grain vinyl. As usual, the work was fast and well done. While in the shop they found a slide seal ripped and replaced it, Installed locks on the new panty drawers so they won't open going around curves, and replaced the fire extinguisher due to a recall. All is well. (cheer)

General Discussion / I saw you !
« on: March 09, 2018, 10:37:15 am »
Traveling west in New Mexico on I -40 ; we saw an eastbound PC around Tucumcari. Only got a quick peek. Then further west in the area where there was snow along the road, came a 29 or 31 PC towing a dune buggy. Hardy people


General Discussion / Slide seals
« on: September 22, 2017, 04:50:03 pm »
Just left the Phoenix factory. Had the new style slide out seals installed. I found out about them from Kermit at the Sisters rally so called for an appointment on my way back to Pennsylvania. It took them about three hours to install. They are installed under the round moulding that surrounds the slide opening, are very carefully fit, and look like they will do the job. The old seals are left in place. Now if it would only rain. It's 96 degrees here in the campground :help

General Discussion / Sisters rally
« on: August 20, 2017, 08:19:15 am »
Just read that 600 persons have been evacuated near Sisters due to a forest fire. hummm.

General Discussion / New Slide, leak or no leak
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:53:57 pm »
Picked up the new 2552X on August 2nd. Spent the night at KOA checking things out. About the same as out 2016 2351. Then down to southern Ill. Beautiful weather and no chance to check for leaks. Early Sunday morning we headed back to PA in a light rain. Rained across southern Indiana and Ohio. Spent the night in S. Ohio in the rain. No water; no leaks. Cool (cheer) In walking around unit at home, something is missing. No skid rollers. Called Earl. Oops. They are coming via UPS. All is well.

General Discussion / 2551/2%52 owners
« on: August 05, 2017, 05:37:49 pm »
For those of you with 2551/2 models with the solid sliding doors. Where did you place the TP holder and towel racks.  Has anyone actually mounted them to the sliding doors. How dI'd that work out ??. Any other ideas. I already thought about nails in the walls but DW said NOOO.

General Discussion / Funny
« on: June 27, 2017, 07:39:25 am »
In talking to Earl last week; I asked how sales were going. He told me that he had three new units built for the upcoming FMCA show in Indiana and had to hide them out behind the factory so customers wouldn't get mad at him for not being to sell them. Our 2552X is in the paint shop. :-D

General Discussion / Extended 2552
« on: April 03, 2017, 07:28:22 pm »
I talked to Earl today and he told me that PC was extending (option) the 2551 and 2552 to make the beds longer. The longer bed will be 80 inches long. I'm 6'3" so this sparked my interest. We have a 2016 2351 where I sleep on the rear corner bed caddy cornered and my wife sleeps on the sofa bed. Plus the 25's have more storage. As someone just said "we have 2 foot itis". So the question is; does anyone out there own an extended 2551 or 2552 and how do they ride. Our 2351 is the best riding FordE450 we ever had and I am hoping that the extended unit would also. Earl stated that they extend the frame and drive train, not just make more overhang.
Any other comments from the extended unit owners would be helpful. Thanks a bunch!!!!! :help tymote

General Discussion / Shocks
« on: May 11, 2016, 04:30:23 pm »
Our 2016 2351 is on a E450 chassis and handles very well. BUT. Those bridge joints and badly maintained roads still send sharp jolts though out the unit. Thinking on installing Koni FSD shocks. Had a Born Free 26 ft that I put Bilsteins on which didn't help much. Then  installed Mor-Ryde which didn't make much of a difference either. Anyone actually installed Koni FSD. Or anything else. Thanks

General Discussion / Factory visit
« on: May 06, 2016, 05:53:45 pm »
After having my leveling jacks repaired nearby, I stopped at the factory. Had a metallic rattle in the microwave. They told me to pull it in and started working on it. There are four Quigley 4X4 units on the line, two nearly finished. One had a huge front bumper installed and one had a top and bottom two tone paint job. Both were 2552 type and very nice. If one of these are yours, they are nearly finished. I tried to get Earl to swap me even but he wouldn'the go for it. Also, a new Dolly Varden was pulling out for delivery to Japan. And, no more rattle.  :-D

General Discussion / Leveling jacks
« on: May 06, 2016, 05:40:13 pm »
While driving down I-88, heard a loud bang, more banging and scraping. Found that the leveling jack pump assembly mounted under the unit broke the mounting bracket and was dragging on the road. Called Kermit and sent photos. Kermit called back and told me that they do not install the jacks and had sent photos to Stuarts Service who called me within an hour.  They install the jacks and we made an appointment for today.  Chuck Stuart repaired the unit and upgraded it to a full auto style for free  and paid for my trip from PA.. Now that's service.  tymote

General Discussion / Dolly Varden
« on: April 13, 2016, 10:20:54 am »
Many know that Dolly Varden are a northern fish like trout. I walked into the PC factory and there were two Dolly Varden being prepend for shipment. Nope, not the fish kind, but Dolly Varden RV's. Huh. Come to find out that PC builds Dolly Varden RV 's for shipment to Japan .  It is a true Class C on Ford chassis, sleeps six, not a bad looking unit.  They are to be used for RV rentals. While wandering around the plant, found three Quigley 4X4 units under construction, all presold units. They do sit higher (5 inches).  They are so busy they are short of chassis. Only one MB on the line. Several couples touring the plant with  Earl. All seems well. 2o2

General Discussion / Another PC hits the road
« on: December 18, 2015, 07:46:08 pm »
 :-D We arrived at the PC factory Monday morning to pick up our new 2351. Bob, the production manager showed us a slight flaw in the paint near the rear window. We could get it fixed now or come back at a later date. We elected to have it fixed now so they put us up in a very nice motel nearby. Next day the unit came back from the paint shop and we got the walk thru and about 3pm hit the road. We hadn't gone five miles and a loud squeak developed over the drivers head in a cabinet. We returned to the factory but the workers had left. They work 6 to 2. Kermit  parked us in the parking lot and hooked us up to electric power. Next day it took about an hour to fix the problem and we took off for home towing our Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk and into a very stiff quartering headwind. We averaged 8 mpg that day (haven't done second day yet) Did notice a slight "tail wagging the dog" which was minor but I have a trac-bar from a previous RV that I will install.  The new six speed is a great improvement. Cruise on, headwind and towing showed 2200 rpm. First downshift brought rpm to 2700 and second downshift on the steepest hills went to 3500 rpm. No more screaming up the hills. We chose the E450 upgrade which rode very well.  Whole unit was very quiet except some wind noise around the side windows and mirrors. We stayed overnight in a truck stop. Temp was lower 40's. We set the heat at 65 and had to keep turning it down. We use sleeping bags.  Heater only ran for a short time  and was fairly quiet. We have the thermo windows. Somewhere in the forum was a complaint about the dash GPS/radio/rear camera. This is true.  The only thing you can see during daylight is the reflection of the passenger. If I could do it over again, I would get the rear camera with audio and mount it just below the tv and have a portable gps. We are very happy with the new PC.

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