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Topics - GoPhoenix

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General Discussion / Phoenix Cruiser on a Dodge chassis?
« on: October 07, 2018, 02:34:04 pm »
There’s a 2011 Model 2400 for sale at Camping World, Indianapolis built on a Dodge chassis.  Didn’t know there was ever anything other than Ford or Sprinter chassis used by Phoenix.  Also, appears to be a custom paint scheme.

Around the Campfire / Newton Scamander's suitcase
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:14:54 am »
The character Newton Scamander from J.K . Rowling’s new movie “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” has a suitcase with a quality I always wanted in a motorhome.  It’s larger on the inside than it is on the outside.  Always wanted a 24’ motorhome that was 40’ on the inside.   :-D

Around the Campfire / An old camper
« on: October 12, 2016, 12:56:06 pm »
An old camper...

Adventure Anywhere / Souvenir pin travel map
« on: October 06, 2016, 02:09:55 pm »
Got lots of comments on this idea.  Started 30 years ago collecting souvenir pins.  Bought a fabric USA map on eBay, stretched it over a 24x20 artist’s canvas, and attached to our PC wall with Velcro.  Easy to add new pins.  Hate to think about the cost of all the pins though.  Of course we sold our PC a year ago, so now it hangs in my office.   :beg

Around the Campfire / Therapy
« on: February 17, 2016, 05:48:12 pm »
About therapy...

Around the Campfire / Just wondering...
« on: December 09, 2015, 05:20:34 pm »
Just wondering...

Around the Campfire / Traveling without our PC
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:19:19 pm »
Our first trip without the PC to see some fall color, Shawnee State Park Lodge, southeastern Ohio.  Nice lodge, but strange bed, bath, etc.  And can’t find a thing in all these bags.  Now which end of this suitcase goes up?  Ugh.    :beg

Tips and Tricks / Sold and Sad
« on: September 30, 2015, 10:08:38 am »
Sold our beloved Phoenix Cruiser – it’s now on its way to Idaho!  Been camping/RVing for 37 years: tent; EZ Ryder; Mallard Sprinter; Fleetwood Southwind; 2008 Phoenix Cruiser; 2011 Phoenix Cruiser (pics of each).  Been in 49 states by motorhome and had wonderful life RVing.  Age and health have ended it but lots of great memories.

Tips and Tricks / Smartphone Travel Apps
« on: September 04, 2015, 12:24:09 pm »
We have some Smartphone apps we use: Good Sam, Google Maps, Gas Buddy.  But assume there are some useful apps that we are not using and perhaps should be.  Recommendations?

General Discussion / Photo website
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:11:59 pm »
Sad, but we are going to sell our PC.  Our age and health are finally getting to us (wife near 80).  Will post it here on the forum and would like a suggestion on a good photo website to link to for additional pictures.  Any recommendations?

Adventure Anywhere / Off-roading
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:03:02 pm »
We decided to trade in our PC to do some off-roading...

General Discussion / Electric step
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:49:40 pm »
Okay, another electric step question, again.  The step goes in when the door closes regardless of which way the switch is set.  Once before, someone said to spin the plunger switch on the door jam, and that did fix the problem.  Not this time.  The step worked fine in March but now once again, it’s in & out, in & out, in & out…   pyho

Adventure Anywhere / RVTravel.com
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:47:06 pm »
If you subscribe to the weekly newsletter from www.RVTravel.com, they have a weekly feature called “What RV do you drive or tow?.”  It invites readers to submit a photo of their RV, a description of where they travel, and what they tow.  I submitted a photo of our Phoenix Cruiser and info about one of our trips: http://rvtravel.com/?q=content/rv-travel-reader-rvs-june-6-2015

Our travel log: http://www.mytripjournal.com/HistoricRoute66

General Discussion / Winegard RFL-332
« on: April 08, 2015, 01:53:57 pm »
Wondering about the Winegard RFL-332 SensarPro TV Signal Strength Meter.  Has anyone replaced the standard wall plate power supply with this?  Is the only advantage help with finding stations, or does it also additionally boost the signal?  Was the spacer required to fit?  Is it worth $60?  Thanks.

General Discussion / New truck battery
« on: February 26, 2015, 08:06:53 am »
I may have to replace my truck battery.  It was totally dead, and I’m trying to charge it.  In looking for a replacement (Advance Auto and AutoZone the only stores in our little town), I found at Advance Auto: AutoCraft Silver Battery, Group Size 65, 750 CCA, $131.99, good reviews.  The specs say “Auxiliary Battery; Requires special deep cycle battery.”  My question is: is the original battery I have now considered a deep cycle battery?  Should I have the charger setting on Deep Cycle?

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