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Topics - frecklestweety

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General Discussion / Bilstein Shocks
« on: August 25, 2021, 10:16:56 am »
  I have a 2010  2551  27Ft  PC and when it hits ruts in the road the whole chassis shades and was wondering if replacing the shocks  will this give a better ride?   On the highway, it rides perfect until it finds rough roads.
   Is it because it being a "C" class motor home that it is a rough ride compared to a "A" class RV??  Any Suggestions

Seeing how I travel by myself since my husband past I am interested to know if anyone is going this year from the east coast that I might hook up with and travel like a rolling rally.  I would feel more comfortable in that instant.  Next year the reunion is to be on the east coast which I hope to be able to participate.   Last year it was in Sisters Oregon and was not comfortable in traveling that far.   They weren't not too far from the brush fires then but all went well. 
   So would like to know as sign up is by June 1st for early registration. $410 per couple, $310 per single, $100 per an extra person. After June 1s the fee goes up $25.00 more.   Cancellation fee is $50.00 if notified by August 1st.  After that date fees are not refunded due to guarantee sites that are made with campground.

  I have attended one other reunion and had a great time.  Great program and meals provided. Would love to attend. 
Maybe someone is interested on this east coast.  Mary Ellen :)

General Discussion / Back up Camera blue screen
« on: April 24, 2018, 04:45:11 pm »
 a little while ago I made a post about my back up camera having just a blue screen. Well the problem is solved by my son.  It seems it wasn't a loose connection but I pushed the wrong button on the camera which changed the display.  DAH! Thank heavens it was easy fix and not having to dismantle anything to see if it was a loose wire.   Maybe someone else might have the same problem and thought it best to repost this .
  So simple.!!! :lol

General Discussion / Back up Camera blue screen
« on: March 31, 2018, 11:15:56 am »
I have 2010 2551 with back up camera.  It has worked fine  a month a go when I went down to the Pole Barn to turn over the engine and I notice the camera only had a blue screen and don't know why.  I didn't take it out for a ride just backed it out of the pole barn to keep the fumes outside. I remember seeing the screen showing me backing out.  There is power but no picture just a blue screen.  The volume, contrast, brightness, etc show ok.  Could real cold weather have anything to do with it. Has anyone had this problem?  I don't have any reference to see what it could be.  Probably something simple and stupid that I am missing! Any Suggestions!

Since I have never crossed country and traveled west, I was wondering if anyone is considering going to the PC reunion Sept11th-15th.  What would the weather be like around mid August into September?  Want to see the grand canyon as well.  Any Suggestions

In cleaning out fresh water tank the valve which is like rubberized and drying out and making it hard to turn.  Anyone else have this problem and can it be replaced, if so, is it an easy fix.? The top part is breaking apart and have to use plyers gingerly to turn it on and off without breaking off pieces.   

General Discussion / Maserator system
« on: April 14, 2017, 04:20:25 pm »
Well it seems that I have to replace my maserator pump.  Would like to replace it with a quiet one as my present one is noisy and its leaking.  There are so many brands out there and it seems that Sani-con is the one PC uses.  Any suggestions, and if purchased online are they easy to install.  I would have my sons take care of that.  The last time my RV dealer installed one is was almost $300.00.  In the meantime, I am dumping with the 3" hose.

I travel solo  and have never traveled west and concerned about traveling by myself, even though I have my pooch as my companion. Only She is just that.  I was curious if any Phoenix members were planning to go. Its in September and plenty of time to plan.  It would be great if we could get a rally type trip together.   In 2018 it will be held somewhere in Central US .  I would love to see the Grand Canyon as part of the trip.  Any suggestions from experienced travelers?

General Discussion / Battery watering systems
« on: January 25, 2017, 04:12:09 pm »
I am always concerned with the water in the batteries.  It is so hard to get to the back cells in the batteries to check the water. You have to disconnect the cables to get the caps off. I was checking into Flow Rite MP2000 Quik Fill 12V double RV battery watering system.  RVUpgrades.com has the system for $49.19 and the pump for the system at $18.03.   This would make it so much easier to keep in check.  So does any one use this system.  I have 2-12v battery system and looking to make is easier for me.
I have a 2010, 2551 and looking forward to the next camping season.  Motorhome is kept in a garage and out of the elements.
So any suggestions?

General Discussion / Refrigerator won't work on Propane
« on: August 29, 2016, 10:44:20 am »
Ever since I've own my 2551 PC, I have had problems with a Fault code when I switch over to propane .  I did have it to RV dealer last season and he said it was working for him after blowing out the lines, etc.   Well that did not last long.   I do not drive down the road with the gas on anymore as it will not stay on if I did.  What  do I look for and be able to clean it out myself.  There must be a cobweb in there somewhere that is creating the problem. So I just use the electric for the fridge.  I took the cover off at the top and saw that the former owner had put a piece of plywood as a baffle but I did not unscrew it to see what was behind it .    Any Suggestions?

General Discussion / Bilstein Shocks
« on: July 22, 2016, 04:00:23 pm »
There has been many discussions on these Bilstein Shocks on the forum and recently visited my Camping World for other items.  I stopped by the service/parts desk and inquire about them and what they would cost for my 2010 2551 PC.  Total investment would be approximately be $450 for two rear shocks installed.   Need some input from the forum if anyone has had CW purchase from them and had them installed by them.  Is there anything else I need to know.  Motor home rides okay on nice flat roads but on washboard country roads it finds the bumps and all shakes.  Don't know what Phoenix Cruiser original shocks are used.
       I  am second owner and don't know past history of my PC.   Other than the shocks, Only thing I just found out is that the air filter was changed in 2009 and it was real dirty and will be changing it out this weekend.  Oil filter and oil was changed this April along with the oil in generator. So is it worth changing the shocks on the rear?
   Going to FMCA rally in Massachusetts beginning of August and hope all goes well. Any input is appreciated as always. (cheer)

General Discussion / Phoenix Cruiser Sighting
« on: June 01, 2016, 10:38:20 am »
  Just walking back down my road (Daleville)from my morning walk when lo and behold and PC passed me by heading towards Rt 10  on Daleville rd.in Cochranville. It was about 8:45 AM on June 1 when they passed.
   Would love to know who they might have been.  It is not too often you see PC's but it is great to see them.

General Discussion / Problems with auxiliary 12 volt plug in
« on: March 10, 2016, 10:03:02 am »
I have 2010 2551 and have a auxiliary 12 volt plug in that I use for my GPS.  Having problems with it. Below this plug is the cigarette/cigar lighter which I don't use.   I have checked my Ford Manual and it does not list the extra 12 volt plug.  Don't know what watt fuse it takes and in what slot of the fuse panel.  Does anyone have the same set up and what can you help me with to make it work.  I have always had problems with this plug in.  The cigarette lighter works ok.   Also the plug in above the passenger side in the cabinet also does not work.????
I rely on these auxiliary plug ins for my GPS.  Very frustrating ....Tried to attach pics but my file is too large and don't know how to reduce it.( not computer savvy). :help

General Discussion / cooper tires vs. michelin tires for PC
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:21:12 am »
Just got a price on Cooper Tires for 1200 for the six in lieu of Michelins at 2400 at my local service dealer.  I got a price from a Michelin tire dealer in Newark Delaware for $219. each for $1314.  Delaware is 40min drive and my tire dealer is just down the road in my town.   At this point, I was considering selling my PC but decided to wait another year, so therefore I need tires before I can take it out.  Since my tires are eight years old I don't want to take a chance on a blow-out.   I see that Cooper tires have a good rating from race car driver Al Unser.   Cooper Tires have been around a long time.  My dealer here in town has been here a long time and feel I should keep the business here and make it convenient for me.  He said it costs him a lot to have the Michelin tires shipped in and that Cooper Tires are just a good.   What is the forum opinion? :help 

General Discussion / Bilstein Shocks for Cruiser 2010 2551
« on: January 12, 2016, 10:53:39 am »
    There has been previous discussions on the Bilstein shocks and I went online to a couple of sites. There were two different shocks to choose from Comfort and HD shocks.  One site had Comfort shocks but the one site said they were for under 9000 lbs. weight but the other site said differently.  Which ones did our members purchased for their MH with over 10000 lbs. weight of coach?   I just want a smoother ride and want to buy the right ones. I have a shop who will install them as they worked on my MH before.
It can be so confusing.  Don't want to purchase the wrong ones.   I had a call into Kermit but he is so busy and never got back to me. I don't know what kind of shocks are on my unit.  I know when I hit a rough road the unit really shakes, rattles, etc. The  vehicle weight on 2551 is 14,500lbs. with 4600lbs front and 9500 rear. So what do I go by?
     Since this forum has been a big help I thought I'd start here.  One site was Shockwarehouse.com and the other one was all shocks.com.  A complete set ranged from$85.00 each on shock.com  to about $92.00 each and  $364.16 for a complete set on Shock warehouse.
    One site said Comfort shocks were for units under 9000 lbs. and the other site said Comfort shocks were for over 10000.  So what do I believe?  Need some input form our members as I could not find previous discussion on the forum.  Planning on getting new tires as well since my tires are over 8 years old.  Don't want to take a chance this year even though the tread is good. Safety is first. 
    Just trying to update MH for my next travel season.   Is there anything else I need to know?
    Happy Safe Travels....

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