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Topics - whaledriver

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Electrical outlets on passenger side of coach
« on: September 24, 2009, 12:20:08 am »
I recently started an extended trip and on the first night found that all the electrical outlets were on not working on the right or passenger side of the coach.. is there a fuse or GFI that I might have tripped rendering them useless.
On my '05 2551 the  outlet under the front of the sink and the outlet in the bathroomare the culprits. any ideas


General Discussion / Extended stay with slide out
« on: September 07, 2009, 12:39:04 am »

We have a '05 2551 and will be taking an extended stay later this month in Pensacola, FL  and we were wondering if it would be necessary to put a support under the slide. We have owned other RV's but never one with a slide
Thanks in advance.


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