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Topics - RheaNL

Pages: [1]
Adventure Anywhere / Dreaming of Alaska Road Trip
« on: August 13, 2020, 06:11:53 pm »
Are you stuck at home but dreaming of a future road trip to Alaska?

We have traveled the world (over 100 countries) and visited all 50 states. We drove to Alaska from Colorado in 2017 and I have a box of materials including guide books and campground guides. We consider our PC trip to Alaska one of our most favorite, interesting and invigorating trips. A real memory-maker! We had kept the materials because we planned to do it again but now realize that is not to be.
We are purging in preparation for a move and I would be glad to mail them to anyone who is interested to help fuel your dreams.
Private message me a mailing address.

General Discussion / Banned from the forum
« on: October 18, 2018, 05:53:35 pm »
        While traveling recently I was trying to read "the forum" on my iPhone (which I have always used when traveling domestically and international), but this time got the message that I was "banned for life."  I could not imagine what I had done to be banned or how to get reinstated. When I returned home, as always, I had complete access to the forum on my home computer. I have since tried on my iPhone and still get the same "banned" message. The only thread, which is locked, about being banned dates back to 2012 (https://forum.phoenixusarv.com/index.php?topic=980.msg7219#msg7219) and was posted by the administrator.
     Has this or anything similar happened to anyone else?
     Hello Administrator, do you have any idea what is going on and how to be able to use it on my iPhone again?

Adventure Anywhere / Colorado Stagecoach State Park
« on: June 27, 2018, 07:29:53 pm »
     We are working our way through the myriad of Colorado State Parks. Just spent 5 days at Stagecoach State Park which is about 2 hours from our home.  Can't believe we've missed it until now.  If you are traveling though Colorado, it is 1 hour north of I-70 and 30 minutes south of Steamboat Springs and US 40. Amazing beauty with lots to do. A roomy well spaced campground with electric at most sites. Flush toilets and showers. A clean dump station.  Complete marina. Excellent fishing with no possession limit on pike and walleye because they were added as a "stock" fish and they now want to get back to all the native species. There are power boats on the reservoir, but a large portion of the lake is "no wake zone" and during the week there was hardly any power boats because it is not close to any major metropolitan area.
     We loved that all the sites are so large we could maneuver our 2100 to take advantage of the view from the dinette.

General Discussion / Inflatable kayak
« on: March 27, 2018, 03:44:37 pm »
We have a 2 person Sea Eagle which makes many sizes and styles.  There are several other companies. Purchased ours used on Ebay and had it for about eight years. Purchased for our first trip to Lake Powell and has held up well with no punctures/damage even being drug in and out of Colorado lakes/streams over coarse gravel and sharp rocks and being abused by grandkids.

Handles very well in the water even with moderate wind. We avoid heavy wind. Very easy to inflate/deflate. When inflated, easy to carry to the water and get in and out.We do wear a heavy garden glove for the carrying so the rope doesn't cut our hands. Comes with a foot pump for inflation and deflation is accomplished by unscrewing the input  ports which are about 2 inches. Easily folded and when in the bag with seats, paddles and pump is relatively compact (fits easily in our aisle with slide in) and weights about 35 pounds. First couple Lake Powell trips (about 1 1/2 days for us) we hoisted it to roof and lashed down. As we aged (now 71 and 82), it was easier to put it in the aisle and set outside the door on the one night in transit.

For life vests we use one designed for paddle boards. Ours is the  Onyx M-16 Belt Pack Manual Inflatable Life Jacket for Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Kayaking and Fishing. It is full approved by the USCG and makes paddling so much easier.

Adventure Anywhere / Are you a working full-time RVer?
« on: January 28, 2018, 09:33:30 am »
In our travels we have met many full-time RVers who still work now and again. I'm not talking about you full-time employees where your RV is your home office. Most common work for RVers is campground host or managing campgrounds, but I have met some who pick up other odd jobs that are short term in locations where they want to spend some time.

I am looking for the later. I have a daughter having twins in early April and and a 3 1/2 year old is also involved. She is looking for a nanny/granny type person. Her home is on 1 1/2 acres overlooking beautiful Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  There is room to park an RV with a water and electric (30 amp) source and place to dump.

Anyone interested? As you travel and meet people who still pick up occasional work and might be interested in 6+ months in the beautiful Colorado Rockies, please give them my email address (RheaNL@hotmail.com).

General Discussion / Breaking News
« on: September 12, 2017, 04:38:05 pm »
We are at the rally in Sisters, Oregon. No smoke and fun times with on exception....
Kermit Fisher spoke at the meeting this morning. He has sold the company. He told us he turned 70 this year and his bucket list  is long and he can't work on it and own a business. Something we all understand. He assured us he did not sell to another big manufacturer who would have rolled Phoenix Cruiserx into their own product line.
    So sorry to be the teller of bad news but someone had to do it.

General Discussion / Wind intrusion
« on: May 23, 2017, 12:04:25 pm »
      We were camping in Utah in our PC2100 and had some terrific winds. There was some serious wind coming in around the TV. Because we were headed into the wind, it was probably coming in under the bullnose on the front. I inspected in the cabinets and around the TV as best I could without removing the TV--which I do not want to do. Could not determine where the wind was penetrating. 
      My bigger concern is the possibility of water intrusion.  I saw no sign in the cabinets or behind TV, but also has been a while since we drove in serious rain and we store under a carport. The area under the bullnose has never been calked.
      Does anyone know if there is a gasket there that could have shifted? Would it be harmful to calk the area?

Thanks, Nicki

General Discussion / Installing a child's car seat in PC2100
« on: May 15, 2017, 09:46:34 am »
There are several additional seat belts (dinette and couch) in the PC 2100, but none seem sufficient to anchor a child's car seat.
Has anyone added anchors or other style belts so a car seat can be used in the PC? All ideas, thoughts and suggestions are welcomed.
My granddaughter has been promised an RV camping trip as a reward for potty training and we are getting there quicker than anticipated--a good thing I guess.
Thanks, Nicki

General Discussion / Plumbing Problem
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:22:10 pm »
Last fall when winterizing one of the toggle levers on the hot water heater bypass came off.  I managed to get it closed with a screwdriver and completed winterizing. The small local shop we took it to said the only way to fix/replace it which requires getting the necessary crimpers in there is to pull the water tank (things are very tight in the 2100). That would be very expensive and I fear would create even more problems with the reinstall of the water tank.  I'm not even sure they could get the crimpers in to do that without removing a wall. This shop has not encountered this problem before so I may check with a larger shop (i.e. Camping World, but they are in Denver, a distance from me).

We purchased the PC new. This switch has only been turned 10 times (5 winterizations) and should never have fallen apart which leads me to believe it was defective. I will also check directly with the factory.....or if they read this post, they can contact me.

I can probably turn the valve with the same tool, but I believe it would leak when under pressure without that "O" ring that is on the lever.

Any and all suggestions would be most welcome.


Tips and Tricks / Storage and more crates
« on: March 31, 2017, 04:52:46 pm »
Love these crates! Purchased them some years back (when still tent camping) at The Container Store. They came in various sizes. I now see what appears to be the same at Target for much less.  They are very light weight yet sturdy and assemble/collapse very easily. We use them for laundromat trips, toting groceries, carrying happy hour food to neighboring campsites, etc. The uses are endless.

General Discussion / Cablw TV doesn't work
« on: September 18, 2016, 07:00:39 pm »
We are rarely in a regular RV park with cable TV. When we were in the past, plugged the cable in and it worked fine.
We are in California and have not been able to get it to work effectively. We will  get a couple channels and they are fuzzy.  Have checked all the connection we can see without removing TV or opening walls with no luck.  Decided a new cable might be the solution.  Just tried that with no luck.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks, Nicki

General Discussion / E-350 windshield replacement
« on: May 22, 2016, 11:00:44 am »
Only a reference by Sparky a year ago about replacing a windshield so would welcome any/all input.

Is it the original Ford E-350 windshield or was it modified?
Was there additional cost because the vehicle is now a motorhome?
If you have had it replace, any problems with leakage after?

Nicki - Colorado

General Discussion / Starting engine with house battery
« on: March 04, 2014, 04:59:48 pm »
I need some input from you car guys. I just returned from storage where I go to visit my RV and exercise its parts.  The engine battery was dead. (I usually go about once a months but it had been almost two months of very cold Rocky Mountain winter. Don't know if the temps and length of time since last visit was the problem or I left something on at the last visit, but am usually very careful about that.) I tried to activate the house batteries which were in storage mode so I could use them to crank the engine using the dash board switch. No luck and I feared they were also dead. Once I jumped the engine and got it started, I could activate the house batters and, as per the light panel, they were half-full.
Question 1--does the switch that puts the house batteries in storage mode require juice from the engine battery to take them out of storage mode? If so, is there any other way to activate stored house batteries to start a dead engine?
Question 2--We have chatted with other people in our storage lot and one uses a small solar trickle charger on the engine battery. Does anyone know about these or have knowledge/experience with them? Is there any particular one you would recommend? Are they hard to instal?

Thanks to anyone with some wisdom about this situation.

Nicki Loth
Dillon, CO

Adventure Anywhere / Tips on Big Bend National Park
« on: November 11, 2013, 06:05:41 pm »
With the PC winterized and in storage, I am dreaming of the spring trip in April--once ski season is over. We are planning on heading south from Denver, through New Mexico, with goal destination of Big Bend National park. We want to do lots along the way. Have been to NM many times so have many good ideas, but would welcome unique suggestions. We have not been to that part of Texas, so am looking for input from any experienced travelers in that area and in the national and/or state park.

General Discussion / RV and wheel covers
« on: October 28, 2012, 03:36:08 pm »
We just purchased a 2100 and will be storing it outside. We want to purchase a cover, but the ones sized for "B" don't appear to we large enough and the "C" is too big. We would welcome any suggestions on vendors, styles, or manufacturers? If we purchase a rv cover, do we still need wheel covers?

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