The Phoenix Cruiser Travel Club has been getting a lot of interest on the Club Facebook page about our Regional Gatherings and weekly Zoom meetings. These new activities are very popular and are showing increased interest and member participation.
The Club Facebook page is open to members and non-members. However, for security reasons, it is a closed group and you have to ask to join. You can access the Facebook page at Zoom meetings are Club sponsored and restricted to Club Members. Club dues have been waived for this year so it is free to join. Members receive bi-monthly newsletters, access to the club website with helpful links and information, invitations to our annual reunion as well as access to our Zoom meetings. These Zoom meetings may be casual chats (Open Mic Night), happy hours with the Executive Committee, informational member presentations, vendor talks or Factory Q&A's. Go to to join this club full of friendly owners and start enjoying the information and social contacts that Club Membership brings.
The Regional Gatherings are Club supported but not Club sponsored so each individual host determines who they wish to invite to their gatherings. Several have indicated they are open to all Phoenix Cruiser owners even if they are not Club members. There are four on the calendar at this time: April/Arizona, May/Tennessee, May/Massachusetts, June/Wisconsin. More information is available on the Club website and Club Facebook page. We will post on the forum if the host asks us to.
If you have any questions, suggestions or wish to host one of our Zoom meetings or a regional Gathering, please use the "Contact Us" button on the club web page. You do not have to be logged in to use the "Contact Us" button.