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Topics - RichardP

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Question for 2910 Owners
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:48:13 pm »
My wife BJ and I are considering a change from our 3100 to one of the 2910 models.  As I look at the 2910D I see things I like, but then the 2910T has a lot of things going for it.  The biggest difference I can see is that the T would give that extra storage under the dinette that we could use for "pantry" items whereas the D does not have that.  Can some of you experienced owners let me know what your thoughts are?  If you have a D, where do you store things?  If you have a T are there drawbacks that I am not seeing. 
Thanks for any input on this.


General Discussion / Question (or two) about the 2910T
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:43:50 pm »
My wife and I have a 3100 that we have enjoyed very much, but for a variety of reasons we are drawn to the 2910T.  In some ways this will be another "downsizing" for us.  The rig before the PC was a 39 foot diesel pusher.  (Is that how you spell die...dei..oh well)  My concern relates to the inside storage differences in the two coaches.  The front of the 3100 appears to have more cabinet space, and we have a bit more storage in the bedroom.  Can you give me some "'assurances" that if we made it from a 39 foot Newmar A to a PC3100 we can surely make it to a 2910T.  Your input would be greatly appreciated.


Richard and BJ

General Discussion / Driver's Seat power problem
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:52:16 pm »
We have taken our PC from Texas to cool Eagle Nest, NM (between Angle Fire and Red River) and are enjoying the weather and RV friends.  I have a few weeks before we return home...but...my power seat on E-450 doesn't work.  I checked the fuse and found it was blown.  I put in another one...and guess what?... (exactly)  It blew!  Any ideas on where to start chasing down the electrical problem causing this? 

On the good side, the seat is at my normal driving position so that I can get home in late August if I don't solve it, but since you guys are so smart, I thought I would ask.



General Discussion / The Rally in Louisville and Our New PC
« on: June 22, 2012, 10:20:57 pm »
Well, the Rally cost us a bit more than we initially paid!  My wife BJ and I bought the 3100 that Stuart brougt to Louisville.   :-D  We are excited about getting our first PC.  I have been reading this forum for months now, and I appreciate the input all of you have shared with each other.  I look forward to particiapting more as we start to enjoy the PC.  We will take it home Monday after the Rally is over.  Wish us luck in our first trip. heartshower

Richard and BJ

General Discussion / A 3100 possible purchase question
« on: March 28, 2012, 05:17:01 pm »
Hello all.  This is my first post, so be gentle with me.  I have been reading most of the fine things you all share, so I figure you are the ones to help me out.

We sold our Newmar Ventana (39' DP) a few months ago, and we are still looking for the right Class C for us.  I like the floorplan of the 3100, and we have not had the opportunity to see one yet.  My wife said something to me about the bed arrangement the other day that never occurred to me.  She wasn't sure she wanted to sleep "...with her head in the toilet."  Since the beds do seem to be set up so that the head is near the bath I am wondering how to sell/convince her that this is not a problem.  Your suggestions would be most appreciated.



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