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Messages - parkgt

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General Discussion / Re: Window Ventilation and other ramblings
« on: May 22, 2024, 12:14:23 am »
Glad I have one that was built by the old crew.  I have seen too many posts of serious issues that got out with the new owners not paying attention to QC.  Who wants to drive their newer coach back to the factory to have something fixed that should never have gotten out to begin with.  And then they write how good a job the correction crew did in fixing something that shouldn't have needed fixed.  These are supposed to be premium units!

General Discussion / Re: Solar Panel wiring
« on: August 13, 2023, 12:15:41 am »
Yes, on larger gauge. I decided on 8ga and it seems to be fine.

General Discussion / Re: Solar Panel wiring
« on: August 08, 2023, 12:03:45 am »
It is a good idea to have an air gap under the panels, it helps to keep them cooler and prolong their life.  Mine are mounted to unistruls that are screw to the roof.  Wiring comes through the roof above the front most compartment on the drivers side.  My Victron charge controller is mounted there and the wiring runs down behind the bulkhead, then under the van and back to my lithium batteries.  Used this gland with 3M VHB tape and screws covered with Dicor.   


General Discussion / Re: Macerator hose not draining
« on: August 07, 2023, 11:52:23 pm »
I don't see how a clear hose "solves" the issue?  IMO it just lets you confirm whether you have one or not.  I also do the hose lift.

General Discussion / Re: Fiberglass Roofing Question
« on: August 07, 2023, 11:48:50 pm »
The 2018 2552 I bought last year had some minor roof issues.  Rather than worrying about my roof I had it coated with Flex Armor.  Covered the skylight in the bathroom that does little except turn the bathroom into a hot house and it is an area prone to leaks.  It goes from the back to the front and down onto the fiberglass cab cap. On the sides it covers the screws and molding. The edge visible from below is dark grey to match the paint scheme and the top is bright white.  Tough stuff with a life time warranty.  Can even walk over the skylight.  It is cooler and quieter than before.  The piece of mind and no maintenance make it well worth it.


General Discussion / Re: Entry door latch failure
« on: May 28, 2023, 12:10:33 am »
RV Lock offers the Atlas Keyless Lock designed to replace the TriMark lockset.  The Atlas Keyless Lock provides key access with the option of user --programmable combination code and a wireless key fob.   

The weatherproof keypad is backlit for easy visibility even at night.  RVLock backs the lock with a lifetime warranty.

The Charter model from RV Lock I put on our 2018 is wonderful.  I replaced the Trimark before in could cause problems.   Keyless is so nice.  I already have too many keys to keep up with on a trip with a toad , e-bikes, chain looks, bike carrier,etc.  Nice just to walk away without thinking about which key ring to take and not lose.

General Discussion / Re: Inverter "Remote" Madness
« on: April 11, 2023, 11:52:21 pm »
If you replace an inverter consider purchasing a much higher quality Victron unit.they come with a 5 year warranty.

General Discussion / Re: Lithium batteries and starting the generator
« on: April 11, 2023, 11:43:15 pm »
The two SOK 206ah batteries installed in my modified battery compartment on our 2018 2552 start the 4K generator even when down to under 20% SOC.

They also run my AC or microwave running through a Victron inverter.

Thanks for your comment! Since the SOK's are not sealed, did you ensure the battery compartment was sealed or did you seal the batteries some way?

In modifying the battery compartment, did you just take out the drawer or ?


I used Gorilla brand sealing tape around the seam of the case.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HSKRYQW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

Taking out the drawer would not provide enough space for the two 206 ah switches, fuses  etc.  I fabricated a new larger box.



General Discussion / Re: Lithium batteries and starting the generator
« on: April 05, 2023, 10:57:07 pm »
The two SOK 206ah batteries installed in my modified battery compartment on our 2018 2552 start the 4K generator even when down to under 20% SOC.

They also run my AC or microwave running through a Victron inverter.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Roof care for newbie
« on: February 20, 2023, 11:43:35 pm »
Have Flexarmor roof coating put on and forget about roof leaks and yearly maintenance for the rest of you days with your PC.  The 2018 2552 we bought out of Florida in June of 2021 was already showing signs of what exposure can do in just a few years.  I had mine coated just as ENGINEERLT did and have no concerns about the roof anymore and no regrets.  Added insulation and soundproofing and almost no possibility of a leak from above.


General Discussion / Re: Glad we have a Phoenix Cruiser!
« on: October 28, 2022, 05:03:28 pm »
I worked in the plastic colorant industry for some years.  The 'White" is titanium dioxide aka TiO2.  It is a very safe compound and is also used to color food products, and cosmetics including the white in your toothpaste.  Some we have all had it out mouths if we brush our teeth or use creamers.  It is also very UV stable.

General Discussion / Re: Great service by Phoenix
« on: October 25, 2022, 09:22:06 pm »
Did PC make any effort to compensate you for the inconvenience caused by their defective work?

General Discussion / Re: Glad we have a Phoenix Cruiser!
« on: October 25, 2022, 09:19:18 pm »
I have seen posts and pictures of things PC has allowed out of the factory in the past couple of years that shows they are not immune to QC issues either. 

General Discussion / Re: Great service by Phoenix
« on: October 22, 2022, 09:45:37 pm »

What needed repair on a new rig?

General Discussion / Re: Xantrex 1800 inverter not working
« on: October 22, 2022, 09:40:47 pm »
What is the warranty on the inverter?  I wouldn't feel great about replacing that expensive an item with another duplicate it if it only lasts 3 years.

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