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Messages - Taildragger

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
General Discussion / Re: Valve Stem Extensions
« on: January 28, 2025, 07:06:55 pm »
The Borg extensions work fine for me. The inner valve extension comes straight out and has a plastic/ rubber insert to stabilize it.

I know.  And I agree.  Several vehicles and many miles have proven to me that solid valve stems, without extensions, are reliably trouble free.  Getting a tire shop to install them is what I find most challenging.

The flexible valve core extensions on my current PC look a little bit like celery stalks with broken and frayed fibers protruding in every direction.  I think I am about to experience their failure.  From the reports, it appears the braided extensions are not only apt to fail, but they also actually do - with regularity.  Contrarily, I recently started noticing long haul semi-trailers, with huge wheels, are now equipped with hub mounted TPMS that are connected with much longer braided extensions than mounted on 16" PC axles.

I need to investigate what significant difference there is.  Obviioulsy, the million mile users have confidence in the flexible extensions.

General Discussion / Re: 2025 Reunion
« on: January 28, 2025, 12:36:04 am »
Where and when this year?

General Discussion / Re: How many Phoenix Cruisers are on the road?
« on: January 26, 2025, 09:53:52 pm »
I guess that's why, at least for me, I have enjoyed the PC Rallys I have attended.  Interesting to see all of the different models, colors, and years in attendance.  Also interesting to get to know the owners attached to those PCs.
In our over 30,000 miles in our PC, we've only seen 2 other PCs.  Neither one where we were able to meet the owners.

The event is probably interesting.  I haven't heard much publicity. 

I think that meeting other members of this forum and exchanging information specific to Phoenix Cruiser would be worthwhile.

General Discussion / Re: How many Phoenix Cruisers are on the road?
« on: January 26, 2025, 02:05:18 pm »
Interesting question!  I am always curious about encountering other PC's.  Traveling the Interstate Highway System, in the Western States, I make an effort to recognize motor home traffic with an emphasis on noting brand.  I have to admit, because the number of manufacturers utilizing the PC Profile, there is reason for confusion when determining identity.  Wide medians and 140 mph closing speeds make the identification opportunity very abbreviated.

Only once has my overnights, in a campground, have I encountered another Phoenix Cruiser owner.  We had a pleasant conversation.  Traded a comparison of features and conducted tours to observe the model variations.  He denied having any involvement with the User's Forum.

 Dome antenna's, such as your Winegard RoadTripT4, advertise they can receive DISH in HD.  You need to change the dip switch configuration in the dome.  See your manual

General Discussion / Re: Godzilla Engine?
« on: January 19, 2025, 01:05:49 pm »
I have found owners who claim they get slightly better mileage running premium. According to the fine print, this is the fuel the engine was designed to run on. While it will run fine on regular, the ECU will be retarding spark to run on that fuel.

Due to the high cost of premium, as others have mentioned, you won't get your money back with the mileage increase.

General Discussion / Godzilla Engine?
« on: January 19, 2025, 12:59:06 pm »
I wonder what experience the owners of the 7.3L Godzilla engine report.   There is some controversy related to MPG's using 87 octane regular fuel vs 91/93 octane premium fuel with that engine

FORD fine print states the 7.3L  Max. 430 horsepower and 485 lb.-ft. of torque based on PREMIUM fuel.  All this time I assumed the 430 HP 7.3L HP/torque ratings were with regular 87 octane. Wonder how much is given up using 87 LL

The question is……will using regular 87 LL save you more than any noticeable difference paying for premium?

General Discussion / Re: How to make the screen door more visible
« on: January 03, 2025, 12:26:15 pm »
If you're considering replacing the screen fabric color, there is a YouTube Video "How to Rescreen a StowAway Retractable Screen Door" that gives Step by Step Instructions.  According to the video, there is an End Cap that contains the screen reel.  The procedure appears to be as simple as working with Roller Blinds.  Finding colored screen fabric is a problem.

General Discussion / Re: How to make the screen door more visible
« on: January 02, 2025, 11:49:24 am »
In our Phoenix Cruiser, the problem was eliminated by using yarn.  The same as used for knitting.  Intertwine the yarn with the screen to form an image.  We have a face outlined that is about six inches in diameter.  Placed at about eye level, and although the image isn't close to being a hologram, it adds a third dimension to the screen. 

The yarn figurine has been in place for two years and has neither interfered with the screen operation nor needed to be replaced/

General Discussion / Re: Dometic Thermostat Issue
« on: December 26, 2024, 12:06:59 pm »
There is a known issue with Dometic Thermostats that is related to the Circuit Board "Floating"   The problem is exposed by removing the Thermostat's Front Cover. The Circuit Board is probably loose on the mounting screws.   The unstable mounting is obvious - if it exists.  The board "squirms" when pressure is applied.  That movement is enough to create a misalignment between the Control Button and Circuit Board Sensor.

The Control Board Sensors can be operated directly with the cover off and the direct contact with the control usually eliminates the signal problem.   I used a glue gun to apply a spot of glue in each corner of the Circuit Board to eliminate the wobble effect.

General Discussion / Re: Draining the fresh water tank
« on: December 24, 2024, 01:36:33 am »
Thanks for sharing the benefit of your experience.  As I think about installing the new valves, I wonder about getting the factory existing parts removed.  With the right-angle bend in the mating parts and ample caulk, there is no free play.
The hardware store in the town where I store the RV offers to loan the PEX Crimping Tool.  I am confident about using the special tool for crimping connections.  Gaining enough longitudinal movement to allow replacement parts to be inserted had me supposing the entire tubing length might need sacrificing.

General Discussion / Re: Draining the fresh water tank
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:21:55 pm »
Seems like drill shavings plugging the water supply line is a common problem.  The first Phoenix Cruiser I purchased had a mere 12,000 miles.  I think the prior owner decided to unload it rather than undertake what some repair shop might have quoted as an extensive project requiring the Base Cabinets be removed to access the plumbing.  The unit was in pristine condition, and everything worked - except the water.  My prepurchase inspector focused on everything except freshwater flow. I didn't realize a problem until well after taking possession and about to embark on a trip when I found the sink plugged.

The fix was as described.  Remove the Block Valve and witness an impressive flow of white plastic detritus.  Reassemble the valve and enjoy water pressure. 

Actually, an easy job on the 2100.  The rear kitchen design placed the water tank under the sink cabinet.  Access was easy.  Water lines on my current 2350 are in an awkward position.  Rather than go to the rear corner of the Storage Bay, I presume the best route is from above thru the bed frame. 

I am wondering what others recommend as the best disassembly procedure.  The fittings are a right-angle connection firmly mounted in the floor and wall.  Is the procedure as disconnecting the upper line firts?  I presume the draine line can then be lifted.

General Discussion / Re: Valve Stem Extensions
« on: December 14, 2024, 09:40:21 pm »
Looking for a source of custom fitted metal valve stems that are matched to Make, Model, Tire Size, and Wheel Type, I found this supplier.  I haven't received them, but I understand they are not extensions.  They replace existing valve stems and are mounted in the wheel.


General Discussion / Re: Valve Stem Extensions
« on: December 14, 2024, 05:06:11 pm »
This topic was expounded upon in an earlier post


General Discussion / Re: Valve Stem Extensions
« on: December 12, 2024, 12:59:33 pm »
Not really a fan of TPMS.  In fact, I resent the imposition of Federal Regulations mandating their inclusion on new vehicles.  Time sensitive and proprietary equipment doomed to fail, I elect to not replace when one does.  Finding a tire shop willing to install new tires without replacing the timed-out and brand sensitive sensor isn't that difficult. 

However, finding a tire shop willing, or able, to install solid valve extensions has proven impossible.  The extensions require bending in order to be centered in the wheel opening.  Anything tubular requires a bending tool.  Conduit, exhaust, and fuel lines are good examples.  I have contacts with a half dozen tire shops and nobody want so to undertake the risk.  Even to apply a quarter inch "tweak".

Have you found a source selling custom fitted valve stem extensions that can be ordered based on Make, Model, Wheel Type?

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