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General Discussion / Re: 2010 Norcold model #
« on: September 07, 2023, 10:06:27 am »
On the top, right side, inside the refrigerator in the door opening.
I would have done that if I wasn't in Minnesota and the coach and manuals in Western Colorado.

That's what I get for not fully reading your OP.
No worries...that's what I guessed :)(:

General Discussion / Re: 2010 Norcold model #
« on: September 06, 2023, 03:06:57 pm »
I too have a 2010  (a 2900) and have a pic of my norcold internal plate handy. It is a N621 which is the default fridge in our PCs.  See attached.


Thanks so much!

General Discussion / 2010 2551 For Sale Western Colorado
« on: September 06, 2023, 03:04:53 pm »
The past few years have seen us morph from explorer to snowbird. Our trusty 2551 is not getting the use that it deserves so it is on the sale block.

See the details here:


Thanks for looking. Comments appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: For sale forum
« on: September 06, 2023, 11:15:08 am »
I'm guessing not. I will be using RVTrader and Craigslist and Facebook.

General Discussion / Re: 2010 Norcold model #
« on: September 06, 2023, 11:10:21 am »
On the top, right side, inside the refrigerator in the door opening.
I would have done that if I wasn't in Minnesota and the coach and manuals in Western Colorado.

General Discussion / 2010 Norcold model #
« on: September 05, 2023, 04:00:11 pm »
I'm many states away from my coach and manuals...can someone tell me the model number of the original fridge in my 2010 2551?
Thanks in advance!

General Discussion / Re: All good things have to come to an end
« on: August 01, 2023, 09:39:31 pm »
Thank you so very much for all the great advice and assistance you have provided to us over the years. You will be missed, unless you miss us first, and just can't resist seeing what is going on here (my guess!)
Happy rv-less trails...

General Discussion / Re: Replace the Fridge?
« on: April 12, 2023, 10:19:33 pm »
Thanks for all of the tips. I'll give them a try.

General Discussion / Replace the Fridge?
« on: April 11, 2023, 12:25:50 pm »
Our 2010 2551 is feeling aged, like me. The refrigerator seems to be declining in the ability to keep cold in spite of keeping vents clear and clean. Is 13 years a basic life expectancy for these? It is my understanding that they are sealed units and can not be recharged...correct?
Has anyone had this experience and found a remedy other than replacement?
If replacement is needed, is the 12v compressor type the way to go, they seem to be a better price.
Can anyone suggest a good compressor type or 3-way replacement for my 2551? Is it something I can do myself?
Thanks in advance, everyone.

There is some great info here as I am also looking to upgrade my inverter and converter and eventually go lithium batteries. My question is where to go to get the best product and installation... a solar company or a reliable RV repair shop? Swapping out all that electrical is not something I feel comfortable doing, and I know my poor knees will complain more than it is worth.
Also, should I be swapping out the 12 year old 90 watt solar panels at the same time?
Thanks for all of the amazing knowledge this forum provides. What a wonderful family.

General Discussion / Re: Spare tire
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:00:15 pm »
I've heard that if the flat is on the front, you can swap one dually and drive slow to a permanent repair.. If the flat is on the back, leave it and limp to a repair. Correct me if wrong.
Or call AAA. That's my solution.

General Discussion / Re: Fuel Prices
« on: March 12, 2022, 09:00:23 am »
We will likely do shorter trips, and stay longer in one place. I'd bet though that anyone paying $225k for a new PC2552 won't care much what fuel costs.

PS  Tie a rope to the sprinkler and you can drag it back and forth,  with the hose one way and back with the rope.

Curses, mag-chloride!
I have a hot water bib in my driveway. I hook a regular lawn sprinkler and hose to it spread under the vehicle and slowly drag the hose from one end to the other. Repeat a few times and it looks good, and you stay dry.

General Discussion / Re: Do you know anyone who wants to buy a PC?
« on: February 19, 2022, 04:11:36 pm »
We are going to be selling our very nice 2010-2551 in mid April. PM me with your email address and I will send you some details.  ;)

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