I read and understand some of the sentiments of not leaving a smaller MH. We too had those same thoughts and have grown very attached to our PC. Our bigger issue was DW has a neck problem that gets agitated by the rough roads and the bouncing around so we decided that if we are going to travel the US we needed to do it in a little more comfort. Our 2400 had most everything we needed and rode very well but compared to the space of a DP and the ride, well that made our decision.
It sounds like your plan is to go full time or at least for extended periods of multiple months, so I can understand the need for more room, and a diesel pusher surely offers the most for the footprint. They are almost a story and a half with so much basement storage to keep the living space clutter-free.
I hope you connect with a great DP discussion forum as that is an art form (forum) all to itself. Blessings to the two of you in your new venture in your diesel pusher.
Ron Dittmer
Ron we will be staying out for several months at a time so we needed the extra room. We did look at the bigger PC's and considered that avenue strongly but decided to go this route. If we decide a year down the road we don't like our decision we can always trade again to get another MH. I am aware the diesels are a form of their own and trust me it was a hard decision to go bigger. I am connected to the diesel people and I have had them in a smaller form so I am somewhat familiar with them but by no means am I an expert.
Best to you both. I can only speak for us, but having owned a
class A, we are now on our 2nd PC. The main reason being ,we prefer to travel
the "blue lines" (state & county roads), and the A just wasn't fun on some of
the back roads, and did not enjoy driving super slabs all the time.
We all have different ideas, thus many types of RVs to pice from.
We may not like it in a class A but I will never know until I try it and I have discovered that no matter how many opinions I get on other forums I ultimately have to make the decision that I have to live with. I will miss the ability to just pull over and stop about anywhere for a break. That is just one of the things I won't like and I already know that.
Alan, best wishes, and please share a bit more. Will you be full-timing or months out and how wouldn't a larger PC with permanent beds have been a good choice for you? Was there a model you almost considered?
Had you previously traveled in a large MH and what about that experience was lacking in the PC?
My own wife bristles at the idea of making up a bed each stop and I wonder if a murphy bed in the 2400 would appease her, maybe not, she has a friend who requires no less than a king-size bed. Women!
Randy, Making the bed every day is an issue for my wife even though I help make the bed and put it away. I sleep like a rock on it, Her..... not so much. She feels claustrophobic. I told her that i can't tell, its dark. She doesn't think I am too funny.
IF PC doesn't care I may hangout here and let you all know how my travels are going. I appreciate the offer to stick around awhile, Thanks! You are all good people. Aimee, let me know if it permissible to post pictures of what we bought on the forum. I don't want to be ticking anyone off as might have to come back someday!
Thank you for all the well wishes and we are looking forward to a new adventure in our life.