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Messages - Awilson

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General Discussion / Re: Goodbye to PC
« on: June 26, 2016, 09:33:36 am »
I was never really intimidated by the short nose as I drive with extreme caution. I have always allowed a lot of space between me and the vehicle in front of me. That said, there is nothing you can do when a vehicle coming towards you wants to share your lane! I got tired of buying those gear motors and putting them in, installing shear pins that shear of repeatedly, shear pins that require you to be 7' tall and weighing only 130 so you Wil fit in the space and still be able to reach, spending a small fortune to service the whole rig and lastly, trying to find a spot you can EASILY fit in.

I see you are from Medicine Bow. We took our PC out west a few years ago and went to visit Medicine Bow. What a nice place! What memories we had in our PC.


General Discussion / Re: Goodbye to PC
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:34:01 am »
Everyone, my wife and I spent several months on the road with the HR and it was fun but I must tell you those big diesel pushers are a very expensive option to choose. I had a tremendous amount of repairs and maintenance on it in the way of slide out motors on the big slide. I sold it last fall as I was not enjoying it nearly as much as we did our Phoenix Cruiser. I also discovered my work was also my hobby as I really did enjoy my work so I took a job with the guy that started his company patterned after my old company. We still like to travel but only in a car at this point. We are both thinking another PC or Born Free might be in our future.

Sorry it has been so long since I checked in so I thought I would update everyone.


General Discussion / Re: Goodbye to PC
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:26:15 pm »
Nice - we are looking back at dp A's too - hard to find comparable quality to the PC - I have passed on 8 to 10 that were at my price point but not in my quality range.  Just too picky after the PC I guess.

I am not sure you will find as many perks on a big unit. We have been living in this one for a couple months now but it does not have all that I had on my PC  other than space.


General Discussion / Re: Goodbye to PC
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:14:56 am »
We got our new to us DP and other than a few little hiccups it will work just fine for us. I will try to upload a few pictures. This should give you an idea of what it looks like.


General Discussion / Re: SMI Brake Assist
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:09:17 am »
If the brake is coming on with the turn signals there is feedback into the brake light circuit and can be easily remedied with diodes in the turn signal circuits.

You are absolutely right about the diodes. They had to put bigger ones in mine for the same reason. Mine has worked perfectly.


General Discussion / Re: Goodbye to PC
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:18:07 am »
I am still here I haven't left. Thanks for the kind words.


General Discussion / Re: Goodbye to PC
« on: September 25, 2013, 07:15:15 pm »
I read and understand some of the sentiments of not leaving a smaller MH. We too had those same thoughts and have grown very attached to our PC. Our bigger issue was DW has a neck problem that gets agitated by the rough roads and the bouncing around so we decided that if we are going to travel the US we needed to do it in a little more comfort.  Our 2400 had most everything we needed and rode very well but compared to the space of a DP and the ride, well that made our decision.


It sounds like your plan is to go full time or at least for extended periods of multiple months, so I can understand the need for more room, and a diesel pusher surely offers the most for the footprint.  They are almost a story and a half with so much basement storage to keep the living space clutter-free.

I hope you connect with a great DP discussion forum as that is an art form (forum) all to itself.  Blessings to the two of you in your new venture in your diesel pusher.

Ron Dittmer

Ron we will be staying out for several months at a time so we needed the extra room. We did look at the bigger PC's and considered that avenue strongly but decided to go this route. If we decide a year down the road we don't like our decision we can always trade again to get another MH. I am aware the diesels are a form of their own and trust me it was a hard decision to go bigger. I am connected to the diesel people and I have had them in a smaller form so I am somewhat familiar with them but by no means am I an expert.

Best to you both. I can only speak for us, but having owned a
class A, we are now on our 2nd PC. The main reason being ,we prefer to travel
the "blue lines" (state & county roads), and the A just wasn't fun on some of
the back roads, and did not enjoy driving super slabs all the time.
We all have different ideas, thus many types of RVs to pice from.

We may not like it in a class A but I will never know until I try it and I have discovered that no matter how many opinions I get on other forums I ultimately have to make the decision that I have to live with. I will miss the ability to just pull  over and stop about anywhere for a break. That is just one of the things I won't like and I already know that.

Alan, best wishes, and please share a bit more.  Will you be full-timing or months out and how wouldn't a larger PC with permanent beds have been a good choice for you?  Was there a model you almost considered?
Had you previously traveled in a large MH and what about that experience was lacking in the PC?
My own wife bristles at the idea of making up a bed each stop and I wonder if a murphy bed in the 2400 would appease her, maybe not, she has a friend who requires no less than a king-size bed.  Women!

Randy, Making the bed every day is an issue for my wife even though I help make the bed and put it away. I sleep like a rock on it, Her..... not so much. She feels claustrophobic. I told her that i can't tell, its dark. She doesn't think I am too funny.

IF PC doesn't care I may hangout here and let you all know how my travels are going. I appreciate the offer to stick around awhile, Thanks! You are all good people. Aimee, let me know if it permissible to post pictures of what we bought on the forum. I don't want to be ticking anyone off as might have to come back someday!

Thank you for all the well wishes and we are looking forward to a new adventure in our life.


General Discussion / Goodbye to PC
« on: September 25, 2013, 06:07:53 am »
I have enjoyed reading the posts here, all the improvements that can be made and help when I have had problems. PC is probably the best manufacturer of Class Motorhomes I have known but DW and I will heading into the wild blue yonder come January leaving the working world behind. We decided that if we are going to be together 24/7 that we needed a little more room than what our 2400 offered. Last weekend we purchased a diesel pusher that will afford us the space that we will need and the comfort of traveling i have never experienced. We are really sad to see our PC go as I was getting things set up like I want with several additions suggested to me by Brazel's RV and other additions from people on this forum. PC has always been there for us when we needed the help and fixed thing that I am sure other manufacturers would have never even offered to fix without a $ sign attached to it. I cannot say enough good about PC at all. They are a great company but it is just time for us to move on in our journey in life. Thanks to everyone for the great forum, good times and the years we have enjoyed our PC and I wish all of you safe travels. tymote

Tips and Tricks / Re: To tow or not to tow. That is the question.
« on: August 29, 2013, 10:27:46 am »
We took a trip north into the upper regions of Minnesota to get away from work and heat. It was really hot up there with lots more humidity. Anyway,I got a chance to tow the CRV up and back with the new tow bar and testing the Brazels Ultra Tune on the V10. I am really happy with both units. I drove 55 - 65 most of the trip, mostly because the roads are awful up there! Fuel economy averaged 10.55 MPG. Overall, life is good, trip was good and MH is better than ever.

Tips and Tricks / Re: To tow or not to tow. That is the question.
« on: August 21, 2013, 06:33:20 am »

I am glad it all worked out in the end.
What do you think of the SMI system?

They have worked flawlessly so far. The Honda alone has very aggressive brakes so when I apply the motorhome brakes I can tell the Honda is applying the brakes. Really slows us down much more than I anticipated. :) we leave for Northern MN in a couple of days so we will get tot est them a little more in the next week and a half.


Tips and Tricks / Re: To tow or not to tow. That is the question.
« on: August 19, 2013, 08:08:51 pm »
To all of you still following this thread, I FINALLY got the tow bar and brackets installed as well as the SMI brakes on the Honda. That turned into quite an ordeal. The dealer that thought he could install it to begin with misunderstood what I wanted done so I was back on the search to find another installer. I did find one 2 1/2 hours west of us. The wife and I left after I got off work getting us out there on a Wednesday evening about 7:30. We were to leave it till Saturday and come back then. We were tired and decided to take a short break before driving back so we decided to eat at a Burger King. After eating, we got headed back home and about an hourand ten minutes into the drive we were talking about the logistics of getting back there on Saturday. That is when it hit me! I could think of no instance where the Honda and the motor home would ever be separated so I put both sets of storage and motor home keys in the Honda. this is one instance i had not thought of. DW did not have storage keys on her keyring as I had not had time to get her a key made. I called the shop and they said they' could overnight the keys on Thursday and I would have them on Friday. What a plan! I got one set of keys on Friday and they were the wrong ones. No keys to the storage complex. Some how my keys got put in the center console. A pure miracle happened that my SIL that lives reasonably close to the shop was coming within a mile of our place on Saturday morning allowing us just enough time to pick up the keys we asked her to pick up. Council Hitch did a great job on the installation and it was trouble free in startup and using it the rest of the weekend.

I recently purchased a Roadmaster tow bar and when I went to have the CRV plates installed they did not have the right plates. They said it would be cheaper to install BO plates and get an adapter between the tow bar and plate. I see no problem with this scenario at all. Can't speak to the Demco.

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:53:40 pm »
We pick up our new PC next week, so sorry I don't have a better picture but we opted for the back up camera, GPS iPod, USB, sat radio and who knows what else option. I'm pretty sure it is the infotainment center that winnebago uses. It was a little expensive option, but I like having it all in one.


Hey Steve,

Now I like this setup pretty well! I don't get out too often but when I do, I think I will try get one those. It appears to be an in dash nit. Is that correct?


General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:11:47 am »
Welcome home Mike and Joni!

You will ask, find and receive a wealth of information from all your cousins on the PC website. It has taken me a long time to fully utilize this forum as I got way too busy to explore it and understand what you can do here. Luckily, life is slowing down for us and we have the time to plan on when we can go play a lot more in our Cruiser! heartshower

You have chosen one of the best RV manufacturers I have ever known. I have had many RV's and I have had none offer the service and stand behind their product as well as PC. NONE! My wife and I have spent the last year going to RV shows and dealers trying to find something we like better than our PC and we continue to go back to the one we have. If and when we move to a bigger one it will most likely be another PC.

I know a lot of people on here have upgraded and personally customized their PC but I am not one of those. Tips and tricks is the forum for that. I pretty much stay to the really easy stuff that is within my capabilities! LOL!

Enjoy your new PC and a suggestion if I may. Take your cruiser to the nearest alignment shop when you get it loaded as there is no way for any RV dealer to align a vehicle that has never been loaded for travel. That load is up to you. Check it at a scale so you know what it weighs empty and loaded. Also maybe hang out close to the factory for while, if you have the time, so they can correct anything that got overlooked. Those guys there in the factory are super good and I would doubt you have any issues but it is always better to be safe then sorry. (exactly)

Happy and safe travels to you both. Maybe we will see each other on the road some day.

Alan and Diana

Tips and Tricks / Re: To tow or not to tow. That is the question.
« on: July 31, 2013, 06:35:10 am »
I understand now how those quiet hitches work. Thanks for the heads up. Problem is every time I read these posts I keep finding more stuff to buy!  :-D

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