Cruisers Forum

Main Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ron Dittmer on April 28, 2009, 02:26:25 pm

Title: 2551 Super-Size Living Area Slideout (now with Photos and Floorplan)
Post by: Ron Dittmer on April 28, 2009, 02:26:25 pm
A couple was in contact with me about Phoenix Cruisers in general.  Last Friday they visited the factory.  They email me over the weekend saying they just ordered a brand new 2010 model 2551 with a huge living area slide-out.  Apparently for 2010, the optional couch slide-out now includes the fridge to provide more over-all living area room.  He said the couch is also different, made to be more comfortable with a blow-up mattress in place of the current design.

Does anyone have pictures of this?
Title: Re: 2010 Models Now Offer A Super-Size Living Area Slideout
Post by: aimee on May 01, 2009, 02:13:56 pm
I have some! Here are the first couple of pictures we have of the new slide-out area  More pics coming once we get it finished.
Let us know what you think! (
Title: Re: 2010 Models Now Offer A Super-Size Living Area Slideout
Post by: aimee on May 05, 2009, 10:17:30 am
And now the floorplan...
Title: Re: 2551 Super-Size Living Area Slideout (now with Photos and Floorplan)
Post by: phoenixcruiser on May 07, 2009, 10:45:52 pm
Looks great! Love the larger living space.
Title: Re: 2551 Super-Size Living Area Slideout (now with Photos and Floorplan)
Post by: aimee on May 28, 2009, 10:16:10 am
We now have pictures up on the website!  (cheer) (

Go take a look and come back here to give us your thoughts!
Title: Re: 2551 Super-Size Living Area Slideout (now with Photos and Floorplan)
Post by: Ron Dittmer on May 28, 2009, 05:59:36 pm
As some of you know, my wife and I are not "Slide" people.  But putting that aside, I really think Phoenix USA did "Real Good" making a bigger slide to open up the living area better.  If I wanted a slide, that one would surely rule over the older design.

Nice work!  Wait....... let me take advantage of some animation here... 2o2 (nod) ;) :-D :) (cheer) 2o2
Title: Just looked 2551 Super-Size Living Area Slideout (now with Photos and Floorplan)
Post by: Residency140 on May 29, 2009, 10:11:59 am
 :-D The floor plan looks really nice.  We are still planning a trip to Elkhart, IN in the fall with our Allegro Bay.  Hopefully, we can strike up a deal for this one.  I would like to also see a picture posted of the rest of it.  What does the other side of the room and the bathroom look like now?

But- very nice.
Title: Re: 2551 Super-Size Living Area Slideout (now with Photos and Floorplan)
Post by: Simple Song on May 29, 2009, 11:01:16 am
If I were going to full time, this is the floorplan I would order. Our new 2400 (mid July delivery) will have the new air bed.   (cheer)